AYAKO | Cooking Class Host in Kanagawa

"〜What kind of person is host(Ayako)〜 She is very bright,energetic,and powerful. She is very friendly. Always felts like friend. She is very kind. That's what foreigners always say. hahaha 〜The qualifications I have〜 ・Japanese teacher ・Food sanitation management 〜My experience〜 ・Backpacker (Australia,China,Taiwan,Hawaii,Thai,Malaysia,Vietnam,Thailand,Singapore,Indonesia,India, Hongkong,Macao) ・Travel in Japan (北海道,大阪,京都,箱根,熱海,鳥取,....many palace) I've traveled to many places, the best memory of the trip was the local experience. So I want everyone to have an experience that can only be done in Japan. And I want to help you make your trip the best. Let's enjoy your trip to Japan together. I'm looking forward to seeing you all. ★Instagram account momsjapanesehomecooking "

AYAKO's cooking classes