5 Best Tempura Restaurants in Osaka

5 Best Tempura Restaurants in Osaka

Osaka is known for the delicious food that the city serves. Many of the Japanese delicacies were invented in this city. There are several tempura restaurants in the city. Tempura is a Japanese comfort food which is now acknowledged globally. Here are the five recommended restaurants in Osaka where you can enjoy some mouth-watering tempura dishes.





大阪・吹田市江坂の天ぷら会席「旬彩天つちや」。 ミシュラン獲得の実績を誇る店主がご用意する天ぷらと和食会席料理の饗宴を愉しみました。 やはり痩せれません。 #古希祝い #フォロバ100パーセント #大阪#吹田ランチ #吹田グルメ #江坂グルメ #江坂ランチ #天ぷらつちや #つちや #ミシュラン大阪 #ミシュラン天ぷら #旬採天つちや #江坂#北摂ランチ #すいた#吹田ランチ#愛妻とデート #妻とデート #休日の過ごし方 #休日デート #不動産営業マン #ランチ#ダイエット中なのに

ユキチさん(@yukiti19)がシェアした投稿 –

The tempura in Tsuchiya is made up of seasonal vegetables and fresh seafood. The taste of Tempura is entirely dependent on the taste of the ingredients used in the making process. Tsuchiya avoids the use of frozen products. With every order, you receive three types of salts as well as tempura sauce, which complement the particular dish. They will serve you with the best options to eat the meal. Due to the quality of the food in the restaurant, it has won the Michelin guide for six consecutive years.

You can enjoy your food with a wide selection of drinks right from wines to sake and shochu, which will enhance the flavor of tempura even more. A typical course meal here can cost from 3500 ¥ to 9000 ¥.

Osakaya Sotetsu




오마카세로 나오는 튀김류도 전부 맛있었지만, 디저트까지 완벽한건 반칙…✋🏼 커피라는 이름으로 나오는 셰프님이 고베의 농장과 직접 계약한 민들레차와, 팥빙수는 참말로 맛있었어요😋 #어니니오사카

c.holyn creative directorさん(@cholyncom)がシェアした投稿 –

This restaurant is in a quiet alley. It resembles a hideaway for the adults. The chef, who is also the owner of this place offers a variety of fried foods. These include- seafood, vegetables, and even beef from selected outlets that are added in the light tempura.
The most popular lunchtime main course here is called Tampopo. It is a combination of Tempura and Sashimi made out of fresh seafood. The environment in the restaurant is calm and soothing. It will divert your mind from all the chaos around the city.

Tempura Maki

The location of this restaurant is a significant advantage for the Tempura Maki. It is just three minutes away from the Kuromon Ichiba market. The chefs can buy fresh ingredients anytime they want.

The tempura here is made very carefully with freshly selected ingredients. They are prepared in front of you and served when they are sizzling hot so that you can eat them at the perfect temperature.
The restaurant serves the tempura in silverware. Silver helps the tempura to release the steam and oil drain well on the plate.

Ebi-no Amami and Yoseage of sea urchin are two things which you should try when you visit the place.
If you want to know more about it, click here.

Aji Kandagawa

This is a tempura specialty restaurant run by a very famous Japanese restaurant known as Kandagawa. The restaurant uses the highest quality of cooking oil since oil is one of the essential ingredients of cooking Tempura. And since it is a dish that is completely deep fried, the high quality of oil used at Aji Kandagawa makes the tempura even more delicious.

The tempura course here consists of 10 to 15 types of Tempura. It is made with lightly seasoned tempura batter which is thin and airy. It gives an airy texture to the coating.

The tempura here is an absolute eye candy. Aji Kandagawa pays very close attention to the plating. So, the tempura here is a perfect marriage between the taste and the attention to detail.

Makino Umeda




梅田にある、揚げたて天ぷら定食のまきのさんに行ってきました〜😁✨ いつも行列が出来てて前から気になってたのよねん👀 その名の通り、揚げたての天ぷらが次々と出てくるスタイル! セットものもあれば単品オーダーも可能。 セットのが断然お得なんですが、かなりボリューミーそうだったので、今回は単品オーダーで。 . ●桜えびと菜の花のかき揚げ ●玉子 ●タラの芽 ●アスパラガス ●れんこん ●カボチャ ●ごはん(お代わり自由) ●お味噌汁(お代わり自由) をオーダーして1,200円ちょい。 ちなみに季節の天ぷら9点セットと同じくらいの値段なので、セットのがかなりお得ですね👀💦 . 玉子はご飯にのっけて玉子がけご飯に変身♫ テーブルには専用のお醤油がありますよ! 甘めで食べやすいお醤油です👍✨ . 天つゆの他にはお塩と七味山椒もあるし、何故か?イカの塩辛もテーブルに常備されておりました。 そういうもんなの?笑 天ぷらは揚げたてなのでどれもサクサク♫ 6点でもかなりお腹いっぱいになりました〜😀💦 . カウンター席でもゆったりなので、案外デートとかでも良いかも? 実際カップルで来てはる方多かったです❤️ いいなー。と思いながら食べてたのはココだけの話… 壁|ωΦ)ジー #揚げたて天ぷら定食まきの #天ぷらまきの #天ぷらまきの梅田店

satoさん(@munimal63)がシェアした投稿 –

Makino Umeda is a restaurant which serves freshly fried tempura at a very reasonable price. You are served with rice, miso soup, and tempura sauce when you sit down at the table.
It is a casual restaurant where you can sit and enjoy watching the chefs make your order. They serve eight types of tempura. You can enjoy freshly fried seasonal flavors at a very reasonable price in the restaurant.

If you visit Japan anytime, you have to try tempura. It is the real taste of Japan. The list above contains some of the best restaurants in Osaka. You will love the feel and environment of these restaurants and will most certainly enjoy the taste of the cuisine.