5 Amazing Things to Do In Gotanda

5 Amazing Things to Do In Gotanda


Gotanda is one of the typical towns in Tokyo. It is a destination that caters to travelers of all taste and preference. Here you’ll find restaurants, cafes, arcades, convenience stores, Karaoke box, and Japanese style Bar & Grill. The town is vibrant and is just a few kilometers away from Haneda Airport.
Here are some of the things to do here.

Shopping Big-b Shoe Store




革靴ほしかったんす。 #五反田 #大きい靴専門店 #ビッグビー

otuyebanatawさん(@yuto3039)がシェアした投稿 –

If you’re visiting Japan for the first time and need a new pair of shoes, you’ll realize something: many shoes in Japan are made in small sizes. This can be surprising, but the fact remains you may not be able to find your shoe size. No matter how beautiful and attractive the shoe is, if it doesn’t fit, then buying it is useless. But do you know there’s a place where you can find a pair of shoe that fits in Gotanda and that amazing store is the big-b shoe store. The store is open from 10 am to 7: 30 pm daily.
At the store, you will be spoilt for choice as it features the finest shoes, from casual to formal, imported from different corners of the globe. And if you think the staffs might not know the right shoe size that fits you unless you tell them in cm, then you’re mistaken. Staffs in the shop are well experienced and can tell your shoe size just from the looks. Shoe sizes at the store range from 27 cm to 36 cm.

Temples TeYakushi –Ji Tokyo Annex




お稽古 -五反田教場-

志野流香道 Shinoryu Kodoさん(@souhitsu_hachiya)がシェアした投稿 –

Besides shopping, Gotanda is also home to great temples and shrines with one being Yakushi-Ji Tokyo Annex. There’s something unique about this temple, and that is it is quite different from the usual temples you see. In fact, it is an inside temple. The temple features a magnificent entrance and a bronze Buddha statue. And if you’d like to say a word of prayers, there’s a room specially dedicated for that. Just as it is with other temples, you’re advised to dress appropriately. Otherwise, you’d be denied access.






おぐりんさん(@rocotama)がシェアした投稿 –

Gotanda also caters to arts and history buff. The area boasts an array of art galleries and museums. One of the most popular museums in this area is the DNP Museum Lab, which is an annex of the world Louvre museum in Paris. The museum holds a collection of interactive artworks. Visitors can touch, feel, and explore some of the finest artworks on the planet here.
Another museum that will sweep you off your feet is the Museum of Package Culture. This museum is home to a wide range of artworks, artifacts, and packaging since time immemorial. If you have a keen interest in museums that display weird stuff, check out the Museum of Package Culture.





夜のお散歩花見🌸 綺麗だなー #桜2019#お花見2019#いつものルート#目黒川#五反田公園#白金#桜の散歩道#久しぶりにシーソーに乗ってみる#ブランコ独り占め#滑り台を駆け上ってみた

mihoさん(@miho2147)がシェアした投稿 –

Nature lovers get in here! Gotanda has something that you love so much – beautiful parks. There are lots of gorgeous parks here, including Nemu no Ki no Niwa and Kamura-zaka parks. If you’re love nature and can’t get enough of flowers, Nemu no Ki no Niwa has got you covered. Indeed, this park is a fascinating flower garden. Here you will find lots of beautiful plants, rare plants and lots of uncommon flowers. The good thing is that you can easily know what categories each flower belongs, thanks to the panels under each plant providing a detailed description of what it is.
Kamuro-Zaka Park, on the other hand, is perfect for families. It features a playground which is ideal for travelers with kids. Adults can also indulge in play areas.

Don’t Miss the Cooking Class

Character Bento Box Making

When you’re in Gotanda, something really worth a visit is the cooking classes there. Not only will you be entertained, but also learn how to cook an authentic traditional food. Instructors are professionals and fluent in English. By taking a cooking class in Gotanda, you will be able to grasp the key culinary skills in Japanese cooking.

There are no limitations to what you can see and do in Gotanda, so start planning your trip today.