5 Best Sushi Restaurants in Fukushi

5 Best Sushi Restaurants in Fukushi

Sushi is one of Japan’s most famous meals in the world. It is popular in countries across Asia, in America and Europe and several other places around the world. This is what actually makes it ideal for tourists to try out whenever they find themselves in the country. Apart from the deliciousness of the dish, sushi is one of the most nutritious meals that is served in the whole of Japan. The protein component of the meal makes it an ideal choice after a whole day of exploring Japan’s rich history. 

Across the country in various cities, regions and prefectures, sushi restaurants serve the freshest dishes to visiting customers who have come to experience the historic city and explore the wonderful culture of Japan. In Fukushima prefecture, there are several fine restaurants where visitors can stop for sushi dinners at night or lunch on fresh sushi during the day, with some fine wine to wash down the healthy meal. Tourists visiting the area know to take some time off and check out the fine food that is served in these restaurants from time to time and enjoy the fine food for which Fukushima is popular. 

If you are ever in the Fukushima Prefecture, then here are five of the finest sushi restaurants you can walk into and have a nice time dining on fresh and delicious sushi dishes. 

Umakatei Fukushima

At the Umakatei Fukushima sushi restaurant, customers can enjoy an array of varied recipes of sushi. You think you have seen all the sushi recipes and varieties there are? Well, wait until you find yourself at the Umakatei before you conclude on that. Here, the sushi is made by some of the finest chefs in the country and served on traditional dishes alongside exotic wine and lovely music to help take it down.

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福島県の刺身♪ 福島駅近くにある 「うまか亭 福島駅ピボット店」 さんへ来ましたー(=´∀`) ズワイガニ 1,270円 ひらめ 1,270円 めひかりの唐揚げ 390円 大トロ 中トロ びんトロ 550円 #うまか亭 #うまか亭福島駅ピボット店 #福島駅 #福島グルメ #福島県 #福島市 #食べログ三点五以上

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Minekame Soneda

One of the things the Minekame Soneda is famous for is their budget friendly menu which gives low budget tourists to enjoy a fine sushi treat without having to spend so much. At the Minekame Soneda, the food is enjoyable as well as the happy chefs who move around serving them. If you want to enjoy your meal while listening to great Japanese music, then this is the place to go as they have a great music jockey who does one hell of a job keeping the music playing all night long.

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お父さんありがとう 6/16 本日父の日特別御膳販売しております! 税込2000円で 豪華な握り4貫、天ぷら、自家製豆腐、小鉢、味噌汁、お新香 そして 鴨肉とみそだれの夏そば!! 限定50食での販売です さらに!!!! 生ビールと限定入荷の日本酒が 特別価格になっております ぜひ、ご来店下さい\(^^)/ #峰亀 #峰亀曽根田店 #笑門そば #福島市 #そば屋 #和食ランチ #限定御膳 #寿司 #そば #天ぷら #峰亀平野店 #峰亀成川店

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At the Angura, customers are treated to a night of exciting dishes and lovely folk music from locals. Their meals pair nicely with local cuisine that have customers asking for more. If you ever find yourself here, the sushi is not the only thing you will find enjoyable.

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★お客様ご要望で、、 お造りもりϵ( 'Θ' )϶ とっても豪華な一品✨ お刺身好きには 堪らんですね〜 #郡山 #福島 #朝日 #開成山 #庵ぐら #庵ぐら桑野店 #郡山グルメ #居酒屋 #個室居酒屋 #宴会 #歓迎会 #送別会 #グルメ女子 #グルメ好きな人と繋がりたい #いいね #お食事 #新鮮 #居酒屋料理 #日本食 #食 #人気居酒屋 #いんすたばえ #お刺身 #お刺身盛り合わせ #japanesefood #instagood #instafood #Food #osashimi

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Shinjuku Tonkatsu

Many of the people who have visited this restaurant have said about it that it is one of their favorite places to eat sushi in. It is not just the quality of the meal served that endears people to the Shinjuku, it is the friendliness with which it is served.



At the Sakichi restaurant, the sushi is served with love. The waiters and the chefs themselves are always wearing a smile and they are always ready to attend to their numerous customers. The service is so good, you’d wonder why they don’t charge more.