There are many various type of sushi in Japan.
In this class, you can learn how to make Nigiri Sushi and Gunkan Sushi.
Nigiri Sushi is the most popular sushi in Japan and it's origin of sushi.
It's a standard sushi style in Japan!
You can make up to 20 pieces with 10 types of ingredients.
If you practice a lot, you can become a Nigiri Sushi master!
Our cooking class was opened in 2023 at Tokyo.
The theme is “Japanese Food” and “Experience”.
More than 7,000 people have joined our cooking class.
There are many various type of sushi in Japan.
In this class, you can learn how to make Nigiri Sushi and Gunkan Sushi.
Nigiri Sushi is the most popular sushi in Japan and it's origin of sushi.
It's a standard sushi style in Japan!
You can make up to 20 pieces with 10 types of ingredients.
If you practice a lot, you can become a Nigiri Sushi master!
And in this class, you will go to go Asakusa local tour.
Asakusa is a famous and popular city in Tokyo! Because Asakusa has a lot of history and culture in Tokyo, so everyone want to visit it at least once!
This cooking class takes about 2 hours.
First one hour, you can learn about sushi history and make Nigiri sushi.
After one hour, you can eat sushi you make yourself.
After eating, you can take photos with a landmark spot in Asakusa, Tokyo as well.
We conduct whole lesson in English.
The local staff who have experienced all over the world will host with great entertainment.
It's sure to be unforgettable memory of your spending in Tokyo.
Our cooking class is located in Asakusa.
Asakusa is a famous and popular tourist city in Tokyo!
Because Asakusa has a lot of history and culture even in Tokyo, so everyone want to visit it at least once.
Let’s enjoy sushi making together in Asakusa, Tokyo!!
★★★★★ (2)The closest station
How to get to the station?
From : mins
Exact location provided after booking.
Simone, United States of America
★★★★★The whole experience was super enjoyable! The instructors taught and helped throughout the class. I would recommend if you want to learn more about sushi and love sushi!
May 2024
Simone, United States of America
★★★★★The whole experience was super enjoyable! The instructors taught and helped throughout the class. I would recommend if you want to learn more about sushi and love sushi!
May 2024
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Response from a
Yes, Sushi Making Experience + Asakusa Local tour! has a vegetarian option.
Duration of this cooking class is 4 hours.
Yes, Sushi Making Experience + Asakusa Local tour! has a vegan option.
It costs 18500 per person.
Up to 30 people can join a's cooking class.
You will receive the confirmation within 24 hours.
We accepts these cards on airKitchen.
Cancellations up to 48 hours prior to the class begins will be fully refunded by the airKitchen cancellation policy.