Top 5 Best Summer Festivals in Japan 2019

Top 5 Best Summer Festivals in Japan 2019

Mitama Matsuri festival




. . 御霊まつり❤️ . この日は天気が微妙だったから買い物して みんなでお祭り行ったんだけど人やばいし屋台激混み😂 . 大好きなじゃがバター買って お祭り気分だけ味わってきた😗 . お祭り、海、花火大会、プール、ビアガーデン… もっとみんなと夏らしいことしたいのに〜! . . #御霊まつり#みたままつり#summer#夏#2019夏 #お祭り#屋台#friends#genic_mag#trip#travel#タビジョ #カメラ女子#camera#girls#dayoff#休日#みたままつり2019 #genic_japan#genic_jp

Eminanaさん(@eminanagram)がシェアした投稿 –

The hottest months of a summer are very traditionally when Japanese commune with and honor the spirits of the dead. One such festival is based around on this idea is the Mitama Matsuri at the politically complex, Yasukuni Shrine. Along the sando – the promenade leading to the main shrine – 40,000 lanterns are strung from the towers of metal scaffolding to create a huge approach. The festival runs for 4 days from July 13th to 16th july. The shrine is away from 5-minute walk from Kudanshita Station on the Tokyo Metro Honzomon and Tozai Lines as well as the Toei Shinjuku Line.

13th Jul–16th Jul, 2019

Location : Yasukuni Shrine, Tokyo

Sapporo Summer Festival




삿포로는 지금 맥주 축제중~! 각 부스별로 다 가보고 싶었지만 배가 넘 불러서 나중에 다시 오기로 ㅋㅋㅋ #일상 #daily #삿포로여행 #삿포로맥주축제 #생맥주존맛 #札幌 #札幌旅行 #札幌夏祭り #札幌ビアガーデン

Changhyun Leeさん(@chhyunno1)がシェアした投稿 –

The Sapporo Summer Festival attracts more than a one million visitors to its cavernous beer garden widening from 5-chome to 11-chome in Odori Park functioning for about a month; a Hokkai Bon Odori dance, the Tanuki Festival along with the Tanukikoji shopping street, the Susukino Festival, and the frequent other events held in combination with it. When it began in 1954, the main site was Nakajima Park and featured a boat festival, bon odori dancing, fireworks display, firefly hunting, and the Tanabata star festival. The location moved to Odori Park in 1957, and the beer garden first appeared at 6-chome in 1959.
July 19–August 16, 2019
Location : Sapporo city, Hokkaido

Hakata Gion Yamakasa




* * 🏮博多祇園山笠🏮 追い山笠 フィナーレ動画🏮 Part 2 * 大博通りから📹●REC🤗 五番山笠 東流れ❣ * 一枚目Picは 東流れの「舁き山(かきやま)」 大きな飾り山とちがって 実際に担いで走る小ぶりな山笠です ٩(¨ )ว=͟͟͞͞٩(¨ )ว=͟͟͞͞🎵 * 動画はそれを担いで走っているところ💨💨💨 ちょうど 舁き手(担ぎ手)が交代する場面です!ᐠ( ᐛ )ᐟᐠ( ᐖ )ᐟ こうして走る人、担ぐ人、上に乗る人と交代しながらゴールまで走るんですね💨💨💨 * ガンバレ❣ ٩(๑’о’๑)و✧* オイサッ💨 * * #博多祇園山笠 #追い山 #祭り #伝統 #日本の風景 #広がり同盟 #写真撮っている人と繋がりたい #ファインダー越しの私の世界 #photo_jpn #loves_Japan #bestphoto_Japan #bestJapanpics #art_of_Japan_ #nipponpic #super_Japan_channel #Lovers_Nippon #look_Japan #visitjapanjp #inspiring_shot #Japan_photogroup #ap_Japan #sumasumatai_love #yokaphoto #lovers_amazing_group #lory_landscape #ig_Japan #summerfestival

Poyoさん(@poyoyon.2017)がシェアした投稿 –

This festival held annually between July 1st and 15th, this is one of Hakata’s signature festivals and along with Hakata Dontaku. There are many opinions concerning its origin, but many people believe that it started in 1241 when the monk Shoichi Kokushi scattered holy water to get rid of diseases. For this festival, floats similar to movable shrines called yamakasa are built up high with countless banners and dolls. For safety, the shoulder-carried floats called kaki yamakasa used for transporting people are three meters high. On the first day, cordoning ropes are dropped (a cleansing event in the style of the region) and the ritual of inviting deities into the yamakasa begins. On the 10th, the floats finally start their parade called the nagare kaki, and the festival really heats up.

July 1-15,2019
Location: Hakata district, Fukuoka

Fuji Rock Festival




仕事がつれえよ 写真見てかんばる #フジロック #fujirock #フジロック2019 #fujirock2019 #フジロックフェスティバル #fujirockfestival #フジロックフェスティバル2019 #fujirockfestival2019 #新潟 #苗場 #キャンプ #camp

@ 88t65mがシェアした投稿 –

Fuji Rock Festival is an yearly rock festival which was held in Naeba Ski Resort, in Niigata Prefecture, Japan. This is the three-day event, organized by Smash Japan, features more than 300 Japanese and international musicians, making it the world largest outdoor music event in Japan. In 2006, more than 200,000 people attended the festival.
Fuji Rock Festival is named so because the very first event started in 1998 was held at the base of Mount Fuji. Since 1999 the festival has been held at the Naeba Ski Resort in the Yuzawa Niigata
July 26-28, 2019

Location: Naeba Ski Resort, Niigata

Awa Odori




#東京新のんき連 #高円寺仲通り 2019.07.20 s #awaphotographic #阿波おどり #阿波踊り #高円寺 #高円寺阿波おどり #祭り #阿波舞 #伝統芸能 #日本文化 #日本の祭り #Japanfestival #Japan #photography #photooftheday #koenji #awaodori #d #z6 #z7 #nikon

awaphotographicさん(@awaphotographic)がシェアした投稿 –

The famous Awa Dance Festival is held from 12 to 15 August as part of a Obon festival in Tokushima Prefecture on Shikoku in a Japan. Awa Odori is the largest dance festival in a

Location: Tokushimaand attracting over 2.2 million tourists every year. The Groups of a choreographed dancers and the musicians which are known as ren, dance through the streets, typically escorted by the shamisen lute, taiko drums, and the kane bell. The Performers wear traditional dance costumes, and tune and sing as they parade through the streets.
August 12-15, 2019