What is Ramen? Check before Going to Tokyo

What is Ramen? Check before Going to Tokyo

What is ramen?


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❤️ 広島風つけ麺🌶 ❤️ ・ ・ #広島つけ麺 #ばくだん屋 #渋谷 #渋谷グルメ #つけ麺 #激辛グルメ #激辛 #私はいつも35倍 🌶🌶 #天皇賞勝ったご褒美💖 #広島風お好み焼き #こいわしの南蛮漬け #広島菜キムチ #全部美味しかった ❣️#地元グルメ

松中みなみ🌈さん(@minami_matsunaka)がシェアした投稿 –

Without a doubt, ramen is fashionable both inside and outside Japan, but do we really know what ramen is?

If we wanted to define it more or less quickly, we could say that ramen is a noodle soup, of Chinese origin, usually prepared with a base of meat broth, which is served with a variety of toppings.

Let’s start by talking about noodles. Different ramen noodles are prepared with wheat flour, water, kansui, and salt. There are noodles of many different thicknesses and textures, straighter or more wrinkled, and each kitchen has its favorite. However, the most popular are noodles that are quite thin and not very wrinkled.

Second, the broth is the base of ramen and is usually always meat, either chicken or pork, with other ingredients such as konbu seaweed, dried katsuobushi bonito, dried niboshi sardines, veal bones, mushrooms, onions and sometimes seafood or other ingredients.

There are many types of ramen, and new combinations (such as the curry ramen typical of Hokkaido) often emerge that do not fit into any one group, although ramen is usually divided into these four large groups according to their broth:

Shio ramen, lit. of salt: this is one of the most traditional broths and most similar to the original Chinese. It is prepared with a simple chicken broth very clear, almost transparent.

Tonkotsu ramen, lit. of ‘pork bones’: this is one of the most popular broths today and one of the most complex to prepare. It consists of a thick broth of white tones, prepared with pork bones boiled for hours to remove all their sweetness.

Shoyu ramen, lit. ‘soy sauce’: this ramen is prepared by adding soy sauce to a chicken broth with vegetables, achieving a soup of dark color and light texture.

Miso ramen, lit. ‘de miso’: this ramen is prepared by adding miso paste to a chicken broth with vegetables, obtaining a soup of light color but intense texture.

There are many local varieties of ramen that have become so popular that they are known throughout the country, such as Hakata’s tonkotsu ramen, Sapporo’s miso ramen or shoyu ramen throughout the island of Honshu. Another well-known ramen is Kitakata ramen, north of Honshu, with a broth made with pork and dried niboshi sardines and characteristic flat and very curly noodles or Sapporo ramen curry with…curry!

Finally, there are many different toppings and each kitchen chooses its favorites, but normally we can find chāshū or roast pork, nori seaweed, negi green onion, kamaboko fish paste, menma pickled bamboo stems or boiled egg (and prepared in many ways).

Hattori’s Hakata Black Ramen Hanzō is a tonkotsu ramen of intense and creamy broth typical of the Hakata region, with alkaline noodles, an ajitsuke egg cooked at 65º, tender chashu pork prepared at low temperature and, naturally, a caramelized garlic sauce that gives that dark touch to the ramen and raises the umami to surprising limits.


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No.41 ★★☆ ✔️らぁ麺 すぎ本(鷺ノ宮) 特製らぁ麺 塩 ¥1000 初めて西武新宿線乗った🤭 GWだから混んでるかなと思って開店30分前から並びました😂 前でも後ろでも待ち合わせしてて人がどんどん増えていく…恐怖… 席数限られてるし常識だと思ってたけど、待ち合わせしないでくださいって書いてなかったからokのお店なのかな🤔 ノーマルか特製迷ったけど味玉もワンタンも気になるので特製✌️ フライドオニオンが乗ってるしワンタン大きくて嬉しい スープはインパクトはないけど優しめで美味しい塩 醤油の方が人気みたい 完成度高めで美味しかったけど(GWだからかもしれないけど)待ち合わせする人がたくさんいるの嫌すぎ🐻 #らぁ麺すぎ本 #すぎ本 #鷺ノ宮 #鷺ノ宮ラーメン #ラーメン #ラーメン巡り #ラーメン好きな人と繋がりたい #ラーメン好きと繋がりたい #らーめん女子 #麺スタグラム #ramen #ramennoodles #tsukemen #tukemen #ramenstar02

A◎さん(@ramen_white05)がシェアした投稿 –

Origin of the ramen

Although it is known that Chinese merchants and envoys had already brought ramen to Japan during the Edo period, ramen is officially considered to have arrived in Japan at the hands of Chinese merchants in the 19th century, just as Japan opened its borders to the world. In fact, this was a time of great social changes that directly affected Japanese gastronomy, which was influenced by American, European and Chinese preparations and ingredients that increased the production of meat products and preparations (in Japan Edo consumed more vegetables, fish and seafood than meat) which in turn increased the popularity of ramen.

With the allied occupation after the defeat in World War II, ramen, at that time called chūka soba (lit. Chinese style noodles), continued to gain popularity, some say for geopolitical reasons. According to Professor George Solt in his book The Untold History of Ramen: How Political Crisis in Japan Spawned a Global Food Craze, when the U.S. occupied Japan, he imported wheat as a way of containing Communism: “the more food shortages the Japanese suffered, the closer they came to the Communist Party,” so by providing them with the wheat necessary to at least prepare ramen noodles, according to Professor Solt he controlled the communist advance in Japan and was thus able to cope with the Cold War.


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#札ラ女ズ2019_a 【中央区】 ▶︎凡の風 ここ最近ずーーーーっと行きたかった凡の風さん。 ここ1年くらい行けてなくて 平成ラストはここだ!!! ってなわけで。 運良く正面の駐車場に車をイン。 相変わらずオサレな店内で ①味噌(赤) ②味噌 をポチ。 早い時間なのですが1組待ち。 着席してすぐ着丼。 あぁ…会いたかった…。 相変わらずのイケ麺にドキドキしながらスープ はーーーーい!!!うまーーーーい! 絶妙な山椒感。ピリっとウマイ。 プリンプリンの麺がめちゃくちゃ合うのです。 私は黄色い縮れ麺が大好きだけど ここの麺はまじでウマイ。 2種のチャーシューも噛みごたえあるのに柔らかくて…♡ シャキシャキもやしにゴリゴリのメンマ。やー、まじでウマイ。 マジで好き。好き!! 味噌ももちろん激ウマです。 山椒感がクセになって もちろん即スープ完飲。 平成よありがとう!! 令和も待ってろラーメン!! 美味でございました!!最高! ★★★★☆ * * * #札幌ラーメン #味噌ラーメン #札幌味噌ラーメン #ラーメン #らーめん #札幌 #sapporo #ramen #麺スタグラム #凡の風 #ラーメン🍜 #ラーメンインスタグラマー #ラーメンパトロール #麺活 #ラーメン部 #ラーメン女子 #平成ラスト #ラーメン大好き #札ラ女ズ2019

札幌ラーメン女子ズさん(@raamen_jyoshis)がシェアした投稿 –

Be that as it may, it was in the 1960s and 1970s that instant ramen became fashionable, especially among the salary workers who would bring the country forward in what has been called Japan’s “economic miracle. During the following decades, the dish gained more and more followers as evidenced by the opening of specialized stores, ramen museums and instant ramen, video games on ramen, and so on. Until ramen crossed Japanese borders and began to conquer the United States. And from there, the rest of the world.