What To Eat In Okinawa

What To Eat In Okinawa

Okinawa was once controlled by Japan and it consists of 150 Islands. Okinawa is in the Eastern part of the Chinese Sea between Japan and Taiwan. This area is very popular for World War 2 sites, climatical changes, coral reefs and broad beaches. There are different sights to see in Okinawa but it is popular for a variety of food available in the area. If you are planning to visit Okinawa and wondering what to eat in Okinawa, then our article below will be very helpful. 

1- Goya Champuru

This is a go-to dish for the citizen of Okinawa. It is worth mentioning here that this dish is usually available with rice. This is a combination of Japanese bitter Melon, egg, spam and vegetables. The taste of this dish is usually bitter and feels perfect with the combination of rice. This dish comes with a surprisingly charred flavour. the flavour of the dish enhances the unique pairing of goya and spam. They’re different stalls in the city of Okinawa which are selling Goya Champuru however the few of the most famous stalls are at Renaissance beech. 

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やちむん皿にはやっぱりちゃんぷるー🌵🌵 #ちゃんぷるー #沖縄 #ゴーヤちゃんぷる #ゴーヤチャンプル #やちむん #おうちごはん #簡単ごはん #簡単レシピ #おうちごはん通信 #おうちごはんlover #ふたりぐらし #2人暮らし #ふたりごはん #ふたりご飯 #cooking #instafood

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2- Rafute

Rafute is a classical and cultural dish of Okinawa city. This is a combination of braised pork belly and awamori.  Awamori is a unique Japanese liquor. The meat will melt in your mouth as it is very soft and its slices are very thin which makes it a perfect snack for a beer party. You can consume this dish as an appetizer or a snack instead of a main dish and it also has a salty taste. If you’re planning to visit Okinawa, you should definitely give this dish a try as it is worth your time and money!

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沖縄準備運動🍴第2弾🐲🐲 生産者が見える豚バラブロックが ¥135/100gって安すぎないか😳と 2度見して即買い!! #tfal圧力鍋 マジックで時短で柔らか〜〜😋 #圧力鍋 #圧力鍋大活躍 #Tfal様様 キッチンが広くなり 便利な調理器具を買い与えられて、 今までは、うまくできない🤔 面倒だなぁ🙄と思っていた料理も 作ろうと思えるようになりました🤩 #らふてー #豚の角煮 #柚子粉かけて #横着白髪葱乗せて #生ネギ嫌いだけど一応乗せる #やちむん #沖縄のお皿 #たまごの皮むきも横着 #味玉 #しみしみ玉子 #味玉製造中 #晩酌 #ビールのお供 #くちびるテッカテカ #お家居酒屋 #うちごはん #料理 #沖縄旅行 #沖縄準備運動 #沖縄まであと少し

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2- Soba

This dish is very different in appearance than the traditional Japanese noodles. It is the only Soba noodle which is made by using 100 % pure wheat flour. The use of the flour makes it easy to chew and make it thicker as well. 

You will see that they will serve soba in smoked bonito brath bowl. This bowl will be lighter on the palate with a fresh taste. You can eat Soba with multiple items and the local people love Soba with a combination of three layers of pork. 

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#おきなわそば #ちぢれ麺 #糸満そば #かつおだし #とかしくマリンビレッジ #tokashikumarinevillage

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3- Fresh Fish

I want to recommend that you need to try fresh fish whenever you get a chance to visit the city. Okinawa is the best known for beef, pork and cuts. You will find fresh fish in Makishi public market. This market is a little pricy because a lot of tourists are visiting the area regularly but the seafood selection in the market will surprise you. The fresh fish tastes very different and you should add this in your list when you are thinking about what to eat in Okinawa.

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ถูกมากกกกกกกกกกกก ในถาดคือแค่ 500¥ ประมานไม่ถึง 200฿ ส่วนในจานคือ 1,000¥ ก้ 300 กว่าบาทแมะ ถูกมากกกกกกก สดจ้า

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Okinawa is an island and it has a large variety of foods. Whether you are a vegetarian or love to eat non-veg,  you will find a food item to cherish your taste buds. I couldn’t mention all of the food items of Okinawa city as they are large in numbers,  I am sure that the list above would be enough to make up your mind. 

Do you wanna learn how to cook Okinawa food not just eat?

Check here and learn Okinawa style cooking!