5 Best Sushi Restaurants in Aomori

5 Best Sushi Restaurants in Aomori

One of the fun things about travelling to new places and visiting new regions is the opportunity to experience the food culture of the people and enjoy their delicacies. One of the things I enjoy the most about travelling is to add something new and different food I have had before to my food list.

If you ever find yourself in any Japanese region or cultural experiences, then one of the things you should totally try out is their food. Food in Japan isn’t just exciting, it is nutritional in many ways and combined in the most incredible ways. But nothing beats Sushi.

If you are not used to it, Sushi is a traditional Japanese dish made up of a small portion of sticky white rice which is flavored with vinegar and topped with raw fish, vegetables or meat and often wrapped in seaweed. This dish is popular around Japan and it is considered as one of the meals that tourists visiting Japan have to totally try out before they can consider their trip a success. 

In places like Aomori, in Japan, tourists can find Sushi restaurants where the best Sushi is made and sold, and where they can get a wholesome experience of the Japanese Sushi culture in the area. If you are looking to explore this culture, then here are 5 of the best Sushi restaurants in Aomori.


If you want to have the most palatable Sushi experience in Aomori, then this is the place to visit. At Ippachizushi, customers have described the Sushi as “absolutely amazing” and their service is one of the best in the area; although, due to their popularity, it could take some time to get your order sorted during rush hour. 

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. ♡一八寿司《八丁畷》♡ ✴︎上握り ✴︎金目鯛 ✴︎えんがわ ✴︎赤貝 ✴︎穴子 ✴︎瓶ビール(アサヒスーパードライ) . 町の小さなお寿司屋さん。 何だかホッとする空間。 . #寿司 #鮨 #お寿司 #上握り #握り #中トロ #海老 #鮪 #カンパチ #鯖 #玉子 #いくら #鉄火巻き #金目鯛 #えんがわ #赤貝 #穴子 #瓶ビール #アサヒスーパードライ #京急グルメ #神奈川グルメ #八丁畷 #一八寿司 #sushi #japanesefood #hacchonawate #ippachizushi #foodstagram ▶︎エリア&ジャンル検索 #にゃん八丁畷 #にゃん鮨

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Oshokujidokoro Osanai:

Here is one of the best places to treat yourself and your family to an elaborate Sushi themed dinner when visiting Aomori. The food is not only delicious but it is also considerably priced and the service is absolutely amazing. If you really want to appreciate Japanese culture, then you should visit the Osanai.

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#お食事処おさない #おさない食堂 #食堂 #ほたてフライ定食 #ほたて #ホタテ #帆立 #フライ #定食 #けの汁 #ひらめ刺身 #ひらめ #ヒラメ #平目 #刺身 #お刺身 #出張 #出張飯 #青森県 #青森市 まさかの土曜出張もここに来れればチャラになる👍テレビの影響なのか出る頃にはすごい並びよう😳💦

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Sushidokoro Asuka

In the whole of Aomori, the Sushidokoro Asuka is one of the places where Sushi is treated with extreme regards. Here, they have a culture of preparing the sushi in the healthiest environment, taking extra care to make sure the customers are comfortable, and the restaurant is always spotlessly clean.

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明日からまた出張で🍜食べるので、今日は🍣 #寿司処あすか #寿司 #ランチ #青森市

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Aomori Gyosai Center:

this is probably one of the most popular Sushi places in Aomori and many would say that is because it has the name of the city on its display boards. At the Aomori Gyosai Center, the sushi is made to taste and customized for every particular customer, making them the most customer-centric restaurant in the area. 

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Must try in Aomori: 「NOKKEDON」🦐🐟🦑🍣 (DIY seafood rice bowl) . Aomori is famous for scallops and fatty tuna (ootoro, chuutoro). Many time the most expensive / largest tuna auctioned off comes from Oma in Aomori! . In Aomori City's Furukawa Market, you can enjoy Nokkedon – building your own seafood rice bowl by selection the toppings you want. . How to enjoy: Get your coupons at the counter by the entrance at 1,300JPY/10 coupons or 650JPY/5 coupons. Grab a bowl of rice for 1 coupon (or large portion at 2 coupons), then go around the market exchanging coupons for the toppings you want! . There is also cooked food available, and you can also purchase bigger fish/ servings in cash. . #Aomori #Nokkedon #Kaisendon #Seafood #Sashimi #Tohoku #FurukawaFishMarket #AomoriGyosaiCenter #青森 #のっけ丼 #海鮮丼 #海鮮 #魚 #刺身 #東北 #青森魚菜センター #古川市場 #おいしい

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Tsugaru Jyoppari Isariya:

You don’t have to look too far for one of the tastiest seafood and pub restaurant in Aomori. At Tsugaru, the sushi is the main food they serve and drinks to keep you entertained, any time of the day.

sushi restaurant