What To Eat In Fukuoka

What To Eat In Fukuoka

Fukuoka is in an Island called Kyushu. It is the capital of Fukuoka prefecture. This area is known for ancient buildings, beaches, modern shopping malls, and temples. The tourists who visit the area would find the food in Fukuoka very tasty. If you are wondering what to eat in Fukuoka, check these lists out! 

1-   Ichiran Ramen

If you are a fan of Japanese noodles, then I’m sure you would be a fan of eating ramen. There is a lot of option to eat ramen in Fukuoka and Ichiran is on the top list. Ichiran is the most popular and famous of all the ramen shops in the city. I need to mention here that Ichiran not only famous among the tourists but also among the citizens. This shop follows different and unique style of serving food. When you go to this restaurant, you will find that you will eat your food in your private cabin. Most of us usually worry if we’re looking good while eating ramen. However, in this restaurant, you don’t have to worry about people looking at you. You can focus on your food and enjoy it.

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いよいよ明日8/8(木)あさ9時に「100%とんこつ不使用ラーメン専門店 一蘭 なんば御堂筋店」オープンします!お客様にご満足いただけるよう、従業員一同力を合わせて最終調整中です。豚を一切使用しない一蘭の新しいラーメン!長年支えてくださった関西の皆様に、全国でもいち早く楽しんでいただけることを大変嬉しく思っております♪皆様のお越しを心よりお待ちしております! https://ichiran.com/np/shop/kinki/namba-midosuji.html #一蘭 #ichiran #ラーメン #ramen #とんこつ不使用 #ノンポーク #なんば御堂筋店 #大阪 #関西初上陸

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2-   Generational Ramen

If you’re visiting the Ramen stadium in the canal city, you’ll find generational ramen on the 5th floor. This restaurant is using a unique flavour to add taste to the food.  They are using pork neck as a secret recipe. This recipe is passed to them through multiple generations. People love this recipe and it is the secret of success of the restaurant. If you’re lucky enough, you will find a seat facing the kitchen of the restaurant. You can use the vending machine in the restaurant to buy noodles. If you pay 1500 Yen, you can get a bowl of ramen with trimmings and pork cuts from belly to the neck. The restaurant can provide you with additional traditional stuff for extra charges. 

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金田家@ラーメンスタジアム 黒豚らーめん 煮玉子入り これぞ極み!唯一無二のカプチーノとんこつは至高の味わい (^o^) 黒豚の美味さを更に高める「椎茸&昆布」の旨味が舌と心にグッと沁み入る♪ 基本のバラ、トッピングの肩ロース。黄身が極濃の煮玉子など、具材も隙無し。 One and only cappuccino pork ramen♪ #めんむすび #ラーメン #福岡 #menmusubi #Ramen #Fukuoka #金田家 #ラーメンスタジアム #黒豚らーめん #豚骨 #博多区 #Kanadaya #TonkotsuRamen #RamenStudium #Canalcityhakata

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3-   Hakata Mizutaki Hotpot

Hotpot is an Asian cooking method in which the chef prepares the food by using a pot of soup stock. The soup stock contains different Asian ingredients. There are multiple food restaurants where you can get hotpot, but I want to mention Hanamidori restaurant. If you never had a chance of enjoying hotpot in your life, then this should be your choice as the reviews of tourists rank it the best in the town. This restaurant follows the unique recipe of their region and will serve the food in a unique style as well. If you are meatballs fans, they are juicier than any other restaurant in the world. Every meal is fresh, tasty and worth your money!

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コラーゲンたっぷりの水たきで女子会✨ ・ 4月は春の訪れを感じて楽しい季節ですが、親友を見送った悲しい思い出のある季節でもあります。 ・ あれから8年。 今年も皆んなで偲ぶ会。 同じメンバーでは最後になってしまった女子会も水たきだったね。 貴女の大好きなビールをたくさん飲んだよ。 相変わらずねって見てたでしょ? 貴女のおかげでずっとこんな風に集まって楽しくやって行けそうです。 ・ #hanamidori #ginza #tokyogourmet #girlsnightout #washoku #remembarance #collagen #yummy #foodstagram #博多華味鳥 #水たき #コラーゲンたっぷり #華味鳥 #偲ぶ会 #東京グルメ #銀座 #女子会 #フードスタグラム #命日 #今年も皆んなで #献杯 #ずっと大好き #ちゃんと見ててね 💝

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The options of what to eat in Fukuoka are very diverse. Wether you are a vegetarian or love to eat non-veg, you’ll find something amazing to cherish your tastebuds. If you want to go for something traditional, Fukuoka should be your choice. When we visit a new country, we should try a food item related to their culture. So we can preserve the memory for a long time.