The Ultimate Guide To Ebisu Yokocho

The Ultimate Guide To Ebisu Yokocho

Tokyo is one of the biggest cities in the world. A large number of tourists from different parts of the world. The city has a lot to offer to every visitor. Many places are attractions for tourists. However; despite all of the fame, there are few areas of the city which aren’t famous among foreigners. One of those areas is Ebisu Yokocho

Explore the Entertaining Neighborhood

During your stay in Japan, if you are living in Tokyo city, you should visit the nearby area as well. There is a beautiful place near the northern border of Tokyo. It is a fun and very entertaining neighborhood, Akabane. The location is wonderful and posses different colors of Japanese culture in itself. 

With all of the beauty and culture, the place is still not famous among tourists. If you are in the city, you should head towards Yokocho. 

The Amazing Ebisu Yokocho

When you visit Yokocho, you will find that the area has many narrow streets. Each of the streets has a unique colour and style. Ebisu Yokocho is one of the streets. It is very near to the eastern exit of Ebisu Station. So, a large number of Tokyo workers visit the place during the nights and on weekends. 

Ebisu Yokocho is very easy to find for the first time visitor as well. As you get near to Ebisu, you will see multiple bright neon lanterns. There are colorful neon signs indicating towards the entrance of Ebisu. 

One of the main reasons for building the area was to reconstruct an old shopping center that was here in ancient times. The management and the concerns of building the region were successful in their aim. Now this area is a top attraction of the Japanese citizens and tourists are also heading toward the place. 


masanori saitoさん(@masaa.saito)がシェアした投稿



Access: 2 minutes of walking distance from Ebisu Station

Hours: 5 PM – 5 AM 

Close: N/A 


Price: Variable