The 5 Best Ramen Restaurants in Meguro

The 5 Best  Ramen Restaurants in Meguro

Meguro is a great destination for food lovers. This place offer large chain of ramen restaurants. The ramen food that serves here is far more better than you eat at any other place. I am going to list down some of the top restaurants from this city down.

Nogata hope meguro




目黒 🍜ラーメン🍅トマトチーズ味 美味しかった!😘 #野方ホープ #野方ホープ目黒店 #ラーメン #トマト #トマトチーズ味 #美味しい #二次会 #野方ホープ本店

さくら🌸さん(@rikachan_y)がシェアした投稿 –

This is a late night cosy & casual place for all kind of ramen food. This place is mostly filled with business people. On weekdays they serve big bowl of barbecue pork. In summers they serve cold noodles which is better than the usual noodles. It is very good to beat the heat. Starts from 880 yen. This place is all about soup but they have some nice side dishes too. I like the entire atmosphere and staff is very friendly.

Access: 1-chōme-5-16 Meguro, Meguro City, Tōkyō-to 153-0063, Japan
Budget: 1000 JPY

Men labo hiro




#麺laboひろ #東京都 #学芸大学 #五本木 #煮干 #ニボシスト #煮干のお勉強 #いつかの麺laboひろ #tokyo_grapher #tg_zdwide #shoton_tg #iphone7

tackey_Soootencyoさん(@tackey_soootencyo)がシェアした投稿 –

This place is popular for offering shuyo and shio versions of noodles with unique dipping noodles. It also offers very different kind of yakitori. They serve noodles with different toppings sometimes chicken and pork too. I am in love with the whole vibe and atmosphere of the place. It is well reputed for so many reasons.instantly become one of my favourites.

Access: 2-chōme-51-5 Gohongi, Meguro City, Tōkyō-to 153-0053, Japan
Map: Men Labo Hiro
Budget 1000 JPY
Hours: Saturday- Friday 11:30am-3pm. Closed on Wednesday





Thank you my dearest @mysunful for this super hidden yakitori gem in the middle of Meguro-nowhere 🐓 – Masakichi by chef Masahiko Kodama-san got uber famous for being featured at @davidchang ‘s popular Netflix food show . . ¥+ . #yakitori #tokyo #masakichi #tokyorestaurant #wherewendyeats #tokyodinner #japanesefood #tokyofood #tokyofoodie #masahiko #yakitorilover #yakitorimasakichi #やきとり #やきとりまさ吉 #焼き鳥 #chicken #passionpoulet #davidchang #uglydelicious #netflix #foodshow

Wendy Bさん(@wherewendyeats)がシェアした投稿 –

Masakichi is very popular for it’s yakitori. This place os a proof that not all yakitori are the same. They do alot of experiments and keep doing them. The ramen here is above good and when i saw this restaurant in Netflix documentary i know i had to visit here. I love the vibe of this place it is totally worth every cent. They use ramen sauce and soy sauce to high level.

Access: 5-chōme-2-8 Megurohonchō, Meguro City, Tōkyō-to 152-0002, Japan
Map: Masakichi
Budget: affordable
Hours: Saturday-Friday 6pm-11pm. Closed on Sundays





昨夜はみんなで中目黒にある京料理のお店、 京家karasumaさんへ。 白鍋(モツ鍋) 美味しかった😋🙏 あっという間の愉しい時間でした。 平日なのに三軒ハシゴしちゃったよ❣️ * #中目黒 #京料理 #和食 #京家KARASUMA #friends #japanesefood #nakameguro #tokyo #japan

RICOさん(@ricounity)がシェアした投稿 –

It is a cash only laye night cosy place to offer some great ramen food. They serve ramen noodles with a large variety of toppings. Like meshi, corn, egg, seaweed, takana, green onion ,half rice etc. The best thing is that all the noodlee are handmade. The secret soup they made from fish bone pork is very famous. And you cannot forget to try the round bone ramen made fresh. All the products in this store are custom made. I honestly like this place alot.

Access: 1-chōme-16-5 Yūtenji, Meguro City, Tōkyō-to 153-0052, Japan
Map: Karasuma
Hours: Saturday to Friday 11:30am-2pm. Closed on Tuesdays






wakura accept cash only. But this place is gamous for uniquely made noodles. The firmness of the noodles is handled carefully. There is no pork and the taste os very delicious. A variety of noodle hardness is also here. This is old place with old vibes but the food is up to mark. The price is reasonable for a pork bone ramen starts from 780 yen. Soup has a good smell and it is very delicious and mouth watering.

Access: 3-chōme-5-3 Nakameguro, Meguro City, Tōkyō-to 153-0061, Japan
Map: Wakura
Hours: Saturday to Friday 11:30am-9pm
Budget: Very affordable





【目黒・竹むら様】 ————— 📑— ————— 💬目黒は権之助坂にそこそこ前に出来たラーメン屋さん。真っ向勝負の醤油ラーメン。うん、美味しいよね。こういうラーメンは本当に落ち着くね。ランチにインパクトを求める自分もいながら、定番に当たるとホッとする自分もいる。昔ながらの美味しいラーメンです。 ————— 🍜ラーメン ————— 📋#目黒 #目黒ランチ #目黒グルメ #目黒ラーメン #目黒美味しい #目黒定食 #ランチ好きな人と繋がりたい #グルメ好きな人と繋がりたい #ラーメン好きな人と繋がりたい #インスタグルメ #インスタフード #昔ながらのラーメン屋 #ラーメン好き #竹むら

【ランチ】FC顧客満足向上室さん(@lunch.yarou.osawa)がシェアした投稿 –

From upscale restaurants to ramen food places Tokyo’s meguro offer so much in ramen. There are many small restaurants in this place. Many yakitori places are here and they serve best soup to you. This place is heaven for noodle lovers. You must check the places i mentioned breifly above.