Get the Most out of Your Trip with These Activities in Hamamatsucho

Get the Most out of Your Trip with These Activities in Hamamatsucho

If peradventure you’ve seen the red Tower of Tokyo, otherwise known as the Japanese Eiffel Tower, and would like to go there, then you have to plan your next trip to Hamamatsucho. Hamamatsucho is a business-oriented city with plenty of interesting things to do. It’s location at the edge of the sea, makes it an ideal spot to take a cruise of Tokyo bay.
Check out the many places to visit and things to do.

Kyu Shiba Rikyu Garden




※ 納涼ライトアップ ※ 3日間限定で行われていた、 旧芝離宮恩賜庭園のライトアップへ 行ってきましたー! 3対7くらいで露店の食事 されてる方が多かったです😅 日本酒美味しそうだったなぁ〜 ※ location:東京都港区 ※ #art_of_japan_ #instagramjapan #bestjapanpics #PHOS_JAPAN #ig_japan #kf_gallery #japan_of_insta #daily_photo_jpn #tokyocameraclub #nipponpic #deaf_b_j_ #japantravelphoto #team_jp #visitjapanjp #旧芝離宮恩賜庭園 #cityspride #東京カメラ部 #jalan_travel #東京 #カメカリ #photo_travelers #photo_life_best #japan_night_view #ファインダー越しの私の世界 #longexposure_japan

Toshiaki Sakuraiさん(@sakuraitoshiaki)がシェアした投稿 –

Once known as ‘The Most Beautiful Place of Japan’, the Kyu Shiba Rikyi Garden is worth a visit. Keep in mind that visitors will have to pay 300 Japanese Yen to gain entry. One of the amazing things about this tranquil park is that it is sited close to a busy train station and skyscrapers. Also, it is an incredible spot to take some beautiful pictures, so get your cameras handy.

Italy Park




港区立イタリア公園に行ってみた 旧芝離宮と浜離宮とセットで周って3時間かな? 難点は駐車場が無い事だが、浜松町駅が近いが 都営地下鉄、ゆりかもめでも来れる 和風庭園の後に見た、洋風公園は新鮮だった 花もあまり無い季節だったが、咲き乱れた頃は,綺麗な公園なんだろうな? 都会の隙間にぽつんとある公園もいいものだ #イタリア公園 #すすき #ローマ風 #公園 #公園散歩 #ビル#東京 #tokyo #ゆりかもめ

yakumoさん(@yakumo1400)がシェアした投稿 –

Located far away from the city center and close to the highly, Italy Park features some Renaissance-like statues. The well-manicured flowers will make it look as though you’re on the European soil.

Minato City Shiba Park





C H A R L O T T Eさん(@charlottegucik)がシェアした投稿 –

Located between Zojo-Ji and Tosho-Gu, Minato City Shiba Park is an ideal spot for planning a picnic. Take a romantic stroll with your partner and relax under the beautifully lined trees.

Tokyo Tower




🗼🛫 ついにこの日が🥺来てしまった🥺 品川側の展望室の窓も新しくなっちゃって…遂に生まれ変わってしまった🥺🗼 早くダイヤモンドヴェール復活して🥺 ・ ・ ・ Location:東京タワー🗼 ・ ・ ・ Camera:α7riii📸 @sonyalpha Lens:FE16-35mm F2.8 GM ISO: 100 Fnumber: f14.0 s/s: 20sec Focal length: 16mm creative style: land(風景) ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ 📷 Camera Club finderS 📷 @cameraclubfinders よろしくお願いします😊 ・ ・ ・ finderS についてはアカウントのハイライトにまとめてますのでご確認ください☺️ ・ ・ ・ #tokyocameraclub #daily_photo_jpn #nipponpic #japan_of_insta #photo_shorttrip #bestjapanpics #special_spot_member #team_jp_ #japan_night_view #art_of_japan_ #jp_gallery #広がり同盟 #nihonshooters #lovers_nippon #explorejapan #wu_japan #ig_japan #ptk_japan #photo_jpn #whim_life #ig_phos #hubsplanet #lbj_members #bestphoto_japan #discovertokyo #visitjapanjp #nightphotography #pt_life_ #東京タワー #tokyotower @instagood

ゆーすけ(26)さん(@bumpnikkejupiter0412)がシェアした投稿 –

Fondly called “The Japanese Eiffel Tower,” Tokyo Tower was not made by Gustave Eiffel as many people believed. Instead, it was made by Tachu Naito, a renowned Japanese architect. However, the only difference between the Tokyo Tower and the Eiffel Tower in Paris is its height. The former is taller than the latter by 7 meters. At the ground floor is a massive shopping mall for souvenirs and other gift items and an exotic eating place

Seaside Top Observatory




Wørld Trade Centėr 40F🗼

Desmeonさん(@iamdesmeon)がシェアした投稿 –

If you are planning your next trip to Hamamatsucho, you will start reading as many guide books as you can find. You may likely pick interest in some of Tokyo’s finest observatories but which is the best of them. It’s simply the Observatory Deck, located at the top of the World Trade Center building adjacent Hamamatsucho Station. If you’d like to catch stunning views of Hamamatsucho from the top, then the Seaside Top Observatory which is about 152 meters high, is the place to be. Access to the observatory will cost up to 600 Japanese yen. The views from the top are breathtaking. From here, you can see both Tokyo Tower and Tokyo Skytree, which are significant landmarks in the city.

Sanuk-Kohakuinari Shrine




讃岐小白稲荷神社(さぬきこはくいなりじんじゃ) 東京都港区浜松町にある神社⛩ 讃岐稲荷神社と小白稲荷神社という二つの稲荷社が合祀されてい神社。鳥居が別々に離れて存在しているところを見ると、円満な合祀では無かったのかな🤔 #讃岐小白稲荷神社 #讃岐稲荷神社 #小白稲荷神社 #稲荷神社 #稲荷 #浜松町 #港区 #東京

machahaduさん(@machahadu)がシェアした投稿 –

If you visit Hamamatsucho more often, chances are you’ve gone past this shrine severally without even noticing it. This is no surprise as the shrine itself is small in size. To make matters works, the shrine flanked by two tall buildings which eventually hides it. Regardless of the size, you will definitely enjoy your visit here.

Shina Tosho-Gu Shrine




先日の#都内御朱印巡り 5ヶ所目は #芝東照宮 へ #増上寺 と同じくこちらも#三葉葵 ♣ 東照宮は徳川家康がご祭神なので 「勝運」「出世運」のご利益が🙏🏻✨ #天然記念物 の銀杏の#ご神木 は 3代将軍徳川家光が植えたとか🤭✨ 御朱印帳は日光の物も購入できます💡 杉の御朱印帳も素敵✨ 御朱印:500円 9:00〜16:30まで 日光杉でできた栞が頂けます♥ #新橋駅 スタートの今回の御朱印巡りは以上❣東京タワーも眺められて、5ヶ所もまわれたので大満足でした💕 #御朱印 #御朱印帳 #御朱印ガール #御朱印巡り #御朱印帳集め #御朱印好き #御朱印女子 #神社仏閣巡り #神社仏閣 #神社仏閣好き

あゆみさん(@mintan511)がシェアした投稿 –

Located within proximity to the gigantic Zojo-Ji, Shina Tosho-Gu Shrine, there is no doubt about its beauty. Here you’ll find one of the largest Ginkgo trees of Japan. Also, the stamps you’ll get has been beautifully decorated and serve as a symbol of admiration.

Zozo-Ji Temple




. . 七夕は終わってしまいましたが、増上寺の天の川🌌 . . . 結局行った日しか開催されなかったみたいなので、重い腰を上げて行ってよかった😄 . . Date:2019.07.06 . Location:Tokyo.Japan . . . . #東京タワー #every_shot_emotion #japan_bestpic_ #写真撮ってる人と繋がりたい #七夕 #ファインダー越しの私の世界 #photo_jpn #l4l #icu_japan #photo_shorttrip #bestphoto_japan #東京カメラ部 #japan_night_view #love_bestjapan #retrip_nippon #9v9 #lovers_amazing_group #totteでトッテ #lovers_nippon #look_japan #photo_jpn #pixlib_jp #instagood #rox_captures #daily_photo_jpn #japan_photogroup #art_of_japan_ #tokyo #ig_japan #増上寺 .

Hiraku Inoさん(@nocchi_24)がシェアした投稿 –

Zozo-Ji Temple is responsible for the funeral rituals of the family progeny. The best part is that the temple is just a short distance away from Tokyo Tower. So if you’re tired of exploring the temple and prefer another popular tourist destination to visit, the Tower of Tokyo just happens to be nearby. Sadly, a part of the temple was destroyed in World War II, but it has now been rebuilt to enhance its beauty further.
No matter your interest, Hamamatsucho has something for you. Enjoy pleasant weather all year round. So pack your bags, book a flight for an enjoyable weekend in Hamamatsucho.