5 Best Attrsctions at Universal Studios Japan 2019

5 Best Attrsctions at Universal Studios Japan 2019

Whenever we are talking about the very cool amusement parks which have value to visit, I think that Universal Studios Japan in Osaka is one of the most fantastic theme parks in the world. It has some of the world best theme park rides and attractions. Accordingly, Universal Studios Japan attracts tourists around the world, on average, 12 million people each year from all over the globe.

Jurassic Park- Ride




麗華さんとお話しできた青森県民 . . . #一番でかいから気を遣って姿勢低くしたら低すぎた

工藤優希さん(@yu_ki_221b)がシェアした投稿 –

Jurassic Park is a mostly mild water ride through a park full of the dinosaurs. There’s a vast fun drop at the end where you may get wet. There is a fantastic rollercoaster in this park! If you like thrilling attraction, I highly endorse this ride. Mainly It is located in Jurassic Park, and the idea is that an out-of-control Pteranodon grabs you from the behind and takes you high in the sky. This means that once you have sat down, your seat then your seat will turn 90* towards the floor so that you are fronting straight down.

The Amazing Adventures of Spider-Man




🕷 . . フライングダイナソー も良かったけど 個人的には スパイダーマン🖤 . みのりんも りさも いい笑顔や😉 . . #牧野りさ #翔的旅行 #大阪 #UniversalStudioJapan #USJ #ユニバ #spiderman #スパイダーマン

まきこん®︎さん(@makki_0127)がシェアした投稿 –

This award-winning charm is a dark ride that combines a moving vehicle with 4K,3D images, and immersive elements. Don’t miss the journey, which is one of the best 4D experience attractions! You will need advent in the beautiful view from the top of New York City with Spiderman who has always protected you from villains.

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter




映えますなぁ〜! ・ #大阪 #ユニバーサルスタジオジャパン #universalstudiosjapan #usj #ハリーポッター #ウィザーディング・ワールド・オブ・ハリー・ポッター #thewizerdingworldofharrypotter #harrypotter #osaka #japan

miii_161201さん(@miii_1201)がシェアした投稿 –

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter was one of the favorite areas at Universal Studios Japan. To get there you walk down a very long pathway lined with pine trees, so it feels distinct from the rest of the park-like you are entering another world. It’s a joy to stalk the snowy cobbled streets of a perfectly re-formed Hogsmeade village. You can shop for the wands at Ollivanders, jokes at Zonko’s and sweets at Honeydukes and have a snifter of the butterbeer in the Hog’s Head or the Broomsticks. The butterbeer on a cold day was delicious.
There are two rides

Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey




娘さんの故郷に帰ってきました。 オリバンダーの店で杖を選んでもらいました。 私はライブ仕様で。笑

踊らされない猫飼い(肉球新党)さん(@furrynori)がシェアした投稿 –

Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey are the primary fascinations in the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, which is the most popular ride in this park. It has some beautiful places inside the Hogwarts Castle, and you will enjoy the walk in the castle seeing Dumbledore’s office, classrooms, and the amazing talking paintings (in Japanese!) as much as the ride itself.

Flight of the Hippogriff




#ユニバーサル・スタジオ・ジャパン#ハリー・ポッター#ハリーポッター#城#城🏰#ショー#ハリー・ポッター#大阪#大阪府#大阪市# エクスプレスパス4# #ルパン三世・カーチェイス XRライド# #ハリー・ポッター・アンド・ザ・フォービドゥン・ジャーニー# #フライト・オブ・ザ・ヒッポグリフ# #ハリウッド・ドリーム・ザ・ライド ~バックドロップ~# #アメージング・アドベンチャー・オブ・スパイダーマン・ザ・ライド 4K3D# #バックドラフト# #ザ・フライング・ダイナソー 2回# #ジュラシック・パーク・ザ・ライド# #ジョーズ# #ウォーターワールド# 今回、午前中は長男と僕のグループ 奥さんと娘と末っ子のグループで動きました。 1日でこれだけ乗れたのでよかったかな。 エクスプレスパスを購入して、時間をお金で買いました。この時期はとにかく高いです。しかし人も多いので、なかなか行けない人には仕方ないけど良いと思う。 1日朝から夜までしっかりとあそべました。

musamusaさん(@c.musamusamusa)がシェアした投稿 –

It is a more refreshing rollercoaster ride. It is well designed with plenty of tight twists and turns – but nothing too stomach-churning. The kind of rollercoaster where you beam and laugh out loud rather than scream in fear

Minion Park




久しぶりのUSJへ😄😄 ミニオン好きの息子も楽しんでもらえたみたい‼️‼️ #USJ #ユニバーサル・スタジオ・ジャパン #ユニバ #ミニオン #ミニオン・パーク #高校卒業以来 #14年ぶり

Akito Takahashiさん(@akito0304)がシェアした投稿 –

This justly new ride (opened in 2017) is located in the fun, colorful Minion Park and it is another impressive 3D simulator ride without glasses using a giant cupola screen. The whole experience is about 24 minutes as there is a long intro video (with English subtitles) that adds up to the context. This ride itself is narrative-heavy, and although we couldn’t follow the Japanese, at here you got a general glimpse, and it will be a fun experience as you bounce around a massive factory on the way to becoming a Minion. Rides aside, Minion Park is a great place to walk around. It’s full of photo opportunities, play areas, food stalls and the Minion Market Place where you can spend a treasure on Minion. There are also daily street performances featuring all your favorite characters.