5 Best Cooking Classes for Solo Traveler in Tokyo

5 Best Cooking Classes for Solo Traveler in Tokyo

Traveling solo is a dream for many people.
Given the many experiences it offers, as well as the memories that entail, traveling alone is something everyone should engage in at least once in their life.
For those engaged in solo travel in the city of Tokyo, there is a lot on the cards.
If it is a traditional experience one is looking for, there could e nothing closer than getting one’s hands busy than a traditional Japanese cooking class.

Solo travelers have much to look forward to when it comes to cooking classes in Tokyo.
Given in the list below are some of the best ones to get enrolled in for an authentic Japanese culinary experience.

A Japanese Mother’s Special

A Japanese Mother's Special

If you are into a great homemade meal, this is an excellent pick for it’s exactly how a Japanese mother would make it.
To begin with, you’ll start with making a pot of cooked rice and miso soup. Later on, you will get started with the Japanese pickles, a traditional Japanese side dish with seasonal vegetables and roasted green tea.
Also, you will have a choice for the main dish, using ingredients such as pork, chicken or fish, along with a variety of different vegetables.

Price: ¥5000

The Homemade Combo




✔︎Homemade Chinese dumplings “GYOZA”餃子🥟🥟🥟/自家製餃子. ・ 最新のブログはこちら✍️. ・ Blog👉『流される練習中。』. ・ https://ameblo.jp/yoga-yuruvegefood/entry-12484734228.html . ・ プロフィールのリンクからも飛んでいけます🕊. ・ #cancersurvivor #lifewithcancer #がんサバイバー . ・ #dinner #dumplings #dumpling #gyoza #homemade #homemadedumplings #餃子 #自家製餃子 #単純作業love #鉄板焼き #夜ごはん #感謝 #母 #appetizer #酒肴 #おつまみ #ビールもワインも止まらない #白ワインも赤ワインもエンドレス . ・ #cooking #cookinglife #cleaneating #healthy #healthyfood . ・ #ゆるベジ食 #ヨガとゆるベジ食クラスのお品書き . ・ #instafood #おうちごはん .

Misako Yamauchiさん(@namaste.misako)がシェアした投稿 –

In this class, you will be learning how to make four different amazing Japanese preparations.
To start off, you’ll be making the Gyoza or the Pan-fried Japanese dumplings, which is a traditional appetizer. Afterwards, you will be making the Japanese rolled omlette, the miso soup and finish it off with a strawberry daifuku. The last one is what is called a wagashi or traditional Japanese sweet.

Price: ¥6000

Temari Sushi




旬菜亭 墨田区 #ディナー #ゆうごはん #ばんごはん #晩御飯 #晩飯 #昼ごはん #昼飯 #すし #寿司 #インスタ #インスタ映え #いんすたぐらまー #インスタ女子 #インスタグラマー #インスタばえ #東京 #東京グルメ #てまり寿司 #日本食 #寿司ランチ #つまみ

Kurokuroshoさん(@miiruimiirui)がシェアした投稿 –

This is an interesting combo cooking session that you will love to dig into.
You will be learning how to make some delicious homemade temari, which is a sushi made to resemble a small ball. Made to celebrate a festival called Hinamatsuri, you will be making the same using ingredients like tuna, salmon, eggs, octopus and rice.
Finally, you will also be learning how to make some delicious clear soup and tea, and finish your session with a group meal.

Price: ¥4500

Ramen & Gyoza




#餃子の満州 #野田 #ラーメン🍜 #餃子 #ラーメン #おいしい #ランチ #久しぶり #ラーメン餃子 #おいしいもの

ミレーさん(@mille.quatan)がシェアした投稿 –

If there is a spicy and delicious homemade combo pack to go for, this would be it.
In this class, you will start off with learning how to make some authentic soy sauce ramen, with char-siu pork and soft-boiled eggs. Afterwards, you will prepare the gyoza or the traditional dumplings, along with the zhacai or Szechwan pickles.
In addition to this, there will also be a tasty plum jelly and Japanese tea to top off your cooking class.

Price: ¥5000

Takoyaki Party




今日の夜ごはん🍴😊 . 今夜パパはお友達と夕飯を済ませてくるのでブルーノホットプレートで息子と2人タコパ〜✨ でもたこ焼きの主役となるタコ🐙は無いのでタコ無しタコパ😂💦 . 具材は、ウインナー、あさり、ツナマヨ、コーン、揚げ玉、紅生姜♪ 中でもとろ〜りのツナマヨが美味しかった〜😋 . 今日は雨降りで部活もお休みだった息子は珍しく退屈そうに1日お家に居たので夜ごはんは楽しく親子調理😆どっちが早くクルッと返せるかの競争!!不器用な息子に手加減しない大人気ない私🤣💦 でも笑いが絶えない食卓になって楽しかったです😆💕 . 雨降りの中今日も1日お疲れ様でした☔️☺️💕 . #夜ごはん#今日の夜ごはん#おうちごはん#おうちカフェ#手料理#クッキングラム#cooking#cookingram#タコなし#たこ焼き#たこ焼きパーティー#ウインナー#あさり#ツナマヨ#コーン#揚げ玉#紅生姜#刻みネギ#ブルーノ#ブルーノホットプレート#雨降りの1日#今日も1日お疲れ様でした#☺️

かおりさん(@krrh0131)がシェアした投稿 –

If you are a fan of the takoyaki or the octopus ball, this is the class for you.
Here, you will be learning how to make some authentic octopus balls, along with some soumen Japanese noodle and mochi.
The class will start off with the Takoyaki, with the alternative meat choices being that of bacon and shrimp. Afterwards, you will get started with preparing the noodles and the mochi or traditional Japanese rice cakes.

Price: ¥3500

Last but not the least, it should be added that the classes mentioned above are but some of the many such ones that can be found in this vast metropolis.
So if you are interested in an excellent Japanese culinary experience, feel free to check out these classes and others like it, for the memories of a lifetime.


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