5 Best Tours and Activities in Kyoto 2019

5 Best Tours and Activities in Kyoto 2019



Kyoto is firmly rooted in his traditions, known as the home of the Geisha and the hometown of the Japanese tea ceremony, and the city is crammed with temples and shrines. There are many fun activities for tourists in the ancient capital of Kyoto, with traditional culture experiences and city tours. Tiresome events are an excellent opportunity for foreign visitors to feel Japanese culture. Kyoto served as Japan’s capital and the emperor’s residence from 793 until 1865. It is one of the country’s ten biggest cities with a population of 1.4 million people

Kimono Tea Ceremony Experience




#着物茶道体験ワークショップ #着物👘 #茶道

wincy lamさん(@wincciwincci)がシェアした投稿 –

Kimono Tea Ceremony Maikoya lets visitors to securely change into a traditional yukata and kimono before engaging with the traditional ceremony. Kyoto City more often may get too hot or too cold, and this is an outstanding option for those who love to wear kimono only indoors and take pictures in front of various backgrounds. Maikoya was listed in those whos has the only tea ceremony ability in Japan to receive the 2017 Tripadvisor Travelers Choice award.

Kyoto Railway Museum




◌ 京都鉄道博物館🚄♡ ◌ たまには家族写真でも…︎︎☝︎ꉂꉂ ◌ とにかく大喜びの息子👶🏻ꉂꉂ ◌ 何回行っても楽しいし… ◌ 何回行っても1日中いれる♡ꉂꉂ ◌ ◌ スカートは… この前載せたら質問を たくさん頂いたやつとおんなじ︎︎☝︎ ◌ 安くて可愛いのたくさんだったので… ワンピースとおんなじお店でポチポチ…⚠︎ꉂꉂ ◌ 質問頂いてたので… ストーリーに載せときます(๑و•̀Δ•́)و♡ ◌ DMもコメントも… まったくお返事出来てなくて… 本当にごめんなさい… ◌ 寝落ち続き…⚠︎ꉂꉂ ◌ いつも本当に遅くてすみませーん( ˃૦˂ഃ ) ◌ でもゆっくりお返事させて頂きます♡ ◌ いつも本当に本当に… ありがとうございます( ˃૦˂ഃ )♡ ◌ ◌ #トリルビー #プチプラ #京都鉄道博物館 #家族旅行 #家族写真 #生後30ヶ月 #2歳 #2歳6ヶ月 #11月生まれ #ママ友募集 #男の子 #男の子ママ #justbaby #新米ママ #ママリ #ベビリトル #ベビフル #親バカ部 #キズナ #赤ちゃんのいる生活 #赤ちゃんのいる暮らし #子供のいる暮らし #ままのて #ままのてギフト#mamagirl #ママリムービー #ベビフルムービー

daichan mama ⑅◡̈♥︎さん(@daidaaai1119)がシェアした投稿 –

It is is only Japan’s three great railway museums. The museum displays railway uniforms, tools and a quiet of other appurtenances from past eras and boasts one of Japan’s most large dioramas, in which miniature trains are controlled single-handedly by a skilled operator as they traverse the intricately sweeping landscape. There is also a variation of interactive exhibitions where visitors can do the duties of a train conductor and drive. The museum’s restaurant is on the 2nd floor straight below an observation deck.

Kyoto on Bikes




京都での移動はタクシーばかり。 初自転車🚲 しかし、坂道登らないと 戻れない〜! んでも頑張りました #京都自転車の旅#やっぱり痛い〜 #平安神宮#京都#kyotojapan #bicycles

@ himeka7がシェアした投稿 –

This is the bestest way to explore the city. You can save much time by getting around Kyoto by cycling as the streets are always crowded. Visit top tourist charms on a cycling tour by an English speaking guide person. This one day cycling tour is available in several different courses, and each session features the beautiful highlights of the city, such as Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrine, Kinkakuji Temple, Gion District.

Maiko Makeover




撮影中の一コマ。 ポーズはお客様のご希望でも、すべておまかせでもOKです! お客様にも鏡で見ていただき確認しながら撮影していきます。 細かな部分も丁寧にポージングしますので、初めての方もご安心してくださいね。 ・ ・ #時代や #嵐山 #京都 #着物 #舞妓 #十二単 #花魁 #歌舞伎 #舞踊 #体験 #撮影 #時代やキャンペーン #夏の舞妓 #お姫様 #日本髪 #舞妓体験 #花魁体験 #jidaiya #arashiyama #kyoto #kimono #maiko #geisha #junihitoe #oiran #makeover #studio #camera #kabuki #photoshoot

時代や JIDAIYA ARASHIYAMAさん(@jidaiyakyoto)がシェアした投稿 –

Most friendly activity for every girl. Maiko (Geisha trainee) girls are Kyoto’s icon who is beautifully dressed in traditional make-up and dresses. How about to become one of them and walking down the historic street in the home of the Geisha,

Fox shrine




. #京都府 #伏見稲荷大社 #千本鳥居 で有名な #伏見稲荷 ですが #本宮祭 では提灯が境内中に灯されます。 赤い光に包まれて幻想的な風景です✨ . @kou_camera さん 素敵なお写真の提供ありがとうございました💓 . ************************ 旅先で撮った素敵な写真に @rakutentravel をタグ付けしてシェアしてね♪ 厳選してこのアカウントで紹介させていただきます! ************************ . #楽天トラベル #旅 #旅行 #旅に出よう #旅行好きな人と繋がりたい #日本 #일본 #rakutentravel #travel #trip #japan #instagramjapan #IG_JAPAN #japantrip #lovetraveling #カメラ #写真 #kyoto

楽天トラベル【公式】さん(@rakutentravel)がシェアした投稿 –

This is one of the extreme impressive things to do in Kyoto. The ‘fox shrine’ is famous for its thousands of red gates that edge the track up the hill to the shrine at the top. A renowned place to visit in the city, we strongly recommend heading up just before the sunset. Walk up the many steps winds its way up the hillside, but the view from the top of the sun situation over the old city is pretty unique.

Bamboo groves of Arashiyama




#保津川下り #嵐山 #そうだ京都行こう #京都観光 #京都旅行 #おとな旅プレミアム #日本の美 #日本の絶景 #kyotopi #dokoiku #bestphoto_japan #japankyoto #kyotojapan #kyotostyle #arashiyama #lovers_nippon #otonatabi_japan #vivid_impact #kyototravel

junji yoshitaniさん(@junjun.0118)がシェアした投稿 –

Arashiyama has a big draw for its beautiful coverts of towering green bamboo. Arashiyama is so spectacular, and it’s sufficient to wander around this place and get lost in thought while witnessing the lovely little temples and a great river walk along the way. If you like nature, this is a place for you indeed.

Ramen Cooking at Ramen Factory in Kyoto


Ramen Cooking at Ramen Factory in Kyoto

Ramen is one of Japan’s most popular dishes—a noodle and broth soup, topped with various meat or vegetable combinations. On this tour, learn how to make ramen from scratch at a local ramen factory, including making the noodles, mixing the soup, and adding the toppings. Finish by enjoying your delicious bowl of home-cooked ramen. The factory is also Halal-certified and vegetarian and vegan options are available on request. Learn how to make ramen noodles from scratch Choose from a variety of flavors and toppings Home-cooked lunch: enjoy your personalized bowl of ramen Three departure times available throughout the day