5 best ramen restaurants in Ebisu

5 best ramen restaurants in Ebisu

Ebisu is known for its diversity in food, especially ramen. You can enjoy any type of food in this fancy place. They have so many variations with the noodles that you have to try out. Here is a list for you to check out top ramen restaurants.


Noodles are very thin and straight so easy for you to eat. The signature dish is chicken and dashi. They also serve vegan and cold ramen in summer. You can choose if you want to try with original flavour or want it heavier. The atmosphere, food and service, everything is up to mark. Yuzu ramen is very delicious and worth the price. All the ingredients are well balanced.

Map: https://goo.gl/maps/mNMCCYVTfuHfB1bU6

Hours: Tuesday-Monday 11am-5am

Budget: affordable

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Afuri Yuzu Ramen at Afuri in Tokyo. #regram from @foodmento Tag your pics with both #lefooding and @lefooding and we'll regram our favorites!

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Kukai ebisu: 

Ramen noodles and different broths for ramen, everything here is delicious and well sophisticated. This is probably one of the best places to have ramen from. Bamboo noodles are on the list too. They serve mouth-watering curry as well. The soup is great and they offer rib ramen noodles too. I think this place is great to grab a quick bite of ramen food.

Access: 3-chōme-49-1 Ebisu, Shibuya City, Tōkyō-to 150-0013, J

Map: Kukai Ebisu

https://goo.gl/maps/NCDeqC8bFpAAMnKg9Hours: Wednesday to Tuesday 11am-11pm


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ふらりふらりとお初ラーメン🍜 #麺屋空海 #空海 #恵比寿 #恵比寿グルメ #恵比寿ごはん #恵比寿#ラーメン #ラーメン女子 #ラーメン🍜 #拉麺 #拉麵 #ramen #担々麺 #ワンタンめん #ワンタン麺 #ebisu #tokyo #tokyo🇯🇵 #tokyo🗼

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Miharu ebisu: 

The soup is very rich and the noodles here include seafood. The noodles taste very good and unique. This is the perfect place for fresh broth and noodles. The poultry based soup that they offer has a topping of vegetables on it and it tastes amazing. Noodles are compatible with this soup. This is a small and cosy place with only 11 seats and has no private rooms. The staff is very friendly and well trained as well. 

Access: Tōkyō-to, Shibuya City, Ebisu, 1-chōme−4−1 

Map: https://goo.gl/maps/kR95e84TxdScFgoa9

Hours: 11am-3:30pm

Budget: 800 yen

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こんにちは! 今週は寒暖差が激しかったですね^^; . 瞠は、暑い日も涼しい日も雨の日も、 元気にオープンしてますよ\(^^)/ . #無添加無着色 体に優しいラーメン屋です。 . 店内はだしの香りがして、髪の毛や服が臭くならないと女子力高い方からもお褒めの言葉を頂いてます♫ #ご来店お待ちしております #いつもありがとうございます #miharu #無化調 #ラーメンインスタグラム #麺活 #つけめん #食べ歩き #麺スタグラム #ラーメン好きな人と繋がりたい #チャーシューご飯 #ラーメン #まぜそば #うまい #아부라소바 #油そば #aburasoba #비빔소바 #具沢山 #noodle #instanoodle #yummy #foodinjapan #tokyo #tsukemen #tokyoeats #nomsg #瞠 #油そば

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This casual and cosy place is the best in the neighborhood. The soup that they gave us was super light but great texture. The broth was also good. Nothing is too pricey for this kind of taste. The noodles are handmade and even if you are full, you cannot stay without trying another one. Definitely not too pricey and the food quality and service were great.

Access: Tōkyō-to, Shibuya City, Ebisu, 1-chōme−7−12 

Map: https://goo.gl/maps/1sC4LBL5idw9YpBu9

Hours 11am-3:30pm

Budget: not too pricey


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ワンタン麺!🍜 Most expensive Ramen ever in my life! #ramen#ラーメン#ワンタン麺#ebisu#恵比寿

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Their menu goes from tuna miso hot ramen to curry to specially made mazesoba noodles. The side menu includes souvenir noodles and dumplings. Many other special services can be seen every time you visit here. They are open for both lunch and dinner. The miso broth is neither too heavy nor light and you can taste very well balanced amount of ginger and garlic in it. The flavours and services are great and it is inexpensive. Everything i heard about this place was right. Tsunagi is definitely an upcoming ramen shop and their taste is one of the best. Don’t miss out their adventurous ramen.

Access: 1-chōme-4-1 Ebisu, Shibuya City, Tōkyō-to 150-0013, Japan

Map: https://goo.gl/maps/PL58NPMYwtU3WFag8

Hours: Wednesday to Tuesday 11:30am-11 pm

Budget: not too expensive

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【つなぎ】   #東京ラーメン Part2   📍恵比寿 🕒待ち時間0分 ✔️つなスペ味噌ラーメン    第9回最強の次世代ラーメン決定戦の優勝店。味噌ラーメンが人気の店ではあるが、旨辛ヘルシー麺や季節限定など、メニューが豊富なのも特徴。   平日の夜18時くらいに入店したということもあって、待ち時間は0でした。今回は「つなスペ味噌ラーメン」と季節限定メニューの「冷やしゃぶサラダ涼麺〜柚わさびを添えて〜」を注文🍜   【つなスペ味噌ラーメン】 味噌ラーメンにチャーシュー、のり、味玉がトッピングされた一品。スープは6種類の味噌とにんにくを調合して作っているようで、コクがありました!相当こってりめなのですが、意外と最後まで飽きずに食べられました🤭チャーシューはとても柔らかいのですが、脂身が少なく私好みでした🐷  【冷やしゃぶサラダ涼麺〜柚わさびを添えて〜】 醤油ベースの冷たいラーメン。オクラやきゅうり、トマトといった夏野菜と豚しゃぶがトッピングされていて、さっぱりした味付けでした。柚わさびを混ぜると、さらに夏を感じさせてくれるラーメンに変身します🎐   ラーメンが美味しいこともさることながら、コーンをすくうための穴あきレンゲがついていたり、紙エプロンと髪留めのゴムをくれたりと、客側への配慮も行き届いています。  テイクアウト限定で、チャーシューを使ったクロワッサンサンドイッチも販売しており、そちらもとても美味しそうでした😻   住所:東京都渋谷区恵比寿1-4-1 アーバンハウス 1F 営業時間:11:30〜23:00  #東京グルメ #東京観光 #ラーメン #らーめん #らー麺 #ラーメン部 #食べログ #食べログ高評価 #人気店 #行列店 #🍜 #ゆめひさグルメ

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Ebisu offers the best halal ramen in Tokyo. All these ramen restaurants I mentioned above are pretty elegant. Their yuzu salt ramen which was cooked carefully will literally take you to the heaven. There are many stylish ramen restaurants which is available only with reservations are only found in this city. Make sure to visit these places I mentioned above.