4 Types of Ramen You should Try in Tokyo

4 Types of Ramen You should Try in Tokyo

Types of Ramen according to the taste of the broth

There are many ways to prepare Ramen. Depending on the region in which the ramen is prepared, you will be influenced by the local products and ingredients when preparing the recipe. This is also found in different ramen restaurants.

On the coast there will be more fish and seafood, on the mountain there will be more mushrooms and meat, for example. So the ramen according to where it is prepared is different from the rest.

Nevertheless, we can classify 4 types of main ramen, although there are tens or hundreds of Ramen and ways to prepare the dish that at least have to have broth, noodles and some topping.

The tastiest and thickest broths are called Kotteri, such as the Tonkotsu Ramen, while the lightest and most transparent are called Assari, such as the Dashi broth made with kombu seaweed and Katsuobushi.

Then we have different combinations between Assari and Kotteri that will give foot to umami and tasty flavors for the different ramen that we will comment you next.

The four main types of ramen

Shio Ramen


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#ラーメン西本 #岡山県#岡山市 えびめしセット 塩ラーメン 980円 ラーメンと岡山名物えびめしのセット🍜 塩ラーメンはあっさりしつつもコクと滋味溢れるスープがイイ👍 対するえびめしは見た目の黒さと裏腹にデミグラスソースの甘みが効いてこれも美味い😋 まさに#中洋折衷 なコラボです✨ #麺スタグラム#麺活#ラーメン#塩ラーメン#えびめし#ご当地B級グルメ#岡山グルメ#岡山ご当地グルメ#デミグラスソース#ラーメンパトロール#ラーメン倶楽部#ラーメンインスタグラマー#ラーメン大好き#ラーメン部

d.yaha1974さん(@d.yaha1974)がシェアした投稿 –

It is one of the first known varieties of ramen and one of the oldest ways to make ramen or give it flavor. It stands out for its salty taste, Shio means salt. It is generally made with a broth based on chicken and pork, sometimes has a high amount of algae so if you have problems with sodium, better avoid it. It has a clearly yellowish color.

Miso Ramen

It is a ramen made with chicken and pork broth usually to which miso or miso paste is added. A broth also yellowish, mustard, light brown … depending on the color of the miso paste used for the dish. It is usually a little thicker. It comes from Hokkaido, it is considered one of the youngest ramen broths, and it was developed in the 60s.

Shoyu Ramen or Soy Ramen

In many places, it is also written as Shouyu Ramen, but it is not correct. We have a broth made with chicken and pork (along with dashi broth) to add soy sauce to it. A broth not so thick and dark due to the soy sauce. It is usually accompanied by meat (chashu) and if you visit Tokyo, it is one of the most popular.

Tonkotsu Ramen



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. 大盛ラーメン . 福岡市早良区『江ちゃんラーメン』 . #平成 も残すところ後2日。 昨日の#博多ラーメンしばらく福重店 を満喫し、#平成最後のラーメン に向け気持ちを高める為に今日は、最近お気に入り江ちゃんラーメンに。 替え玉しなさい!と言わんばかりのなみなみと注がれたコクのある豚骨スープ。 そして、抜群の固めん具合に調教された替え玉をすすりながら聞く女将さんの麺上げカンカンは、他のお客さんの麺をすする音とハーモニーして心地いい。 明日は、平成最後の豚骨野郎として頑張るべく麺リフト、すする音をイメージ、トレーニングしながら1日を過ごすこととします。 #令和 . #豚骨ラーメン #tonkotsu #tonkotsuramen #ラーメン#noodle #ラーメンインスタグラマー #ラーメン部 #ラーメン倶楽部 #ラーメン倶楽部福岡支部 #江ちゃんラーメン #kouchanramen #かためん#替え玉 #福岡#福岡グルメ#福岡ご飯#福岡ごはん #fukuoka#fukuokagourmet #fukuokafood #fukuokacity#fukuokapics #japanesefood#japan

daino_sukeさん(@daino_suke)がシェアした投稿 –

A ramen made with broth made from pork bones, has a whitish tone due to collagen and gelatin from the bones and is one of the tastiest and most famous ramen. To be considered an authentic Tonkotsu broth must boil from 8 to 20 hours at low heat depending on the quality of the bones used, if boiled for a short period of time would be just a normal pork broth. Tonkotsu literally means pork bones (Ton = pork and Kotsu = bones).

Other types of Ramen

Although these are the four types of ramen according to the most popular broth, there are other varieties that should be mentioned, we leave you some of them:

Yasai Ramen

It is a ramen that is made with a 100% vegetable broth without meat and perfect for vegetarians or vegans. It is added as topping tofu, shiitake mushrooms, broccoli, spinach, carrot, cabbage, soya sprouts and spring onions, etc..


It’s probably one of the funniest ramen. This ramen is served the with broth on one side in the form of sauce to spread and on the other the pasta with toppings. The broth of this type of ramen is usually somewhat thicker so that when wet the noodles are well impregnated with all the flavor, while the chashu, Tamago, bamboo, etc.. that you use as topping.


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今日は伊賀上野の人気店😉自家製麺 若葉✨に来た🎵オーダーは、つけそば大盛+味噌味玉TP😄相棒は煮干しそば+味噌味玉TP😌ここのつけ麺🤤だぁ〰️い好き💕麺のコシ・香り👌つけ汁は粘土質高めでこってりタイプ💃味噌味玉も他にない味✌️レアチャーシューもブラックペッパーの程好いパンチで旨し❕最後はスープ割でド鰹をしっかり堪能し💯大満足でのご馳走様🙏大変美味しかったです👏🙇 #若葉 #自家製麺若葉 #伊賀 #伊賀上野 #行列 #麺スタグラム #つけ麺 #麺 #らーめん #グルメ #らぁめん #インスタグラマー #ラーメン #ラーメン巡り #ラーメン倶楽部 #拉麺

Yoshiki Kuwaharaさん(@yoshikikuwahara)がシェアした投稿 –

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