5 things to do in Fushimi

5 things to do in Fushimi

Fushimi is one of the 11th wards in the city of Kyoto, in Kyoto Prefecture, Japan. You can explore so many famous places in Fushimi, such as Fushimi Inari Taisha, Fushimi Castle, Sake Breweries, cooking classes, etc. Below provides for you the best 5 things to do in Fushimi on your holiday:

Fushimi Inari Taisha




京都的30度就真的要把我熱死了🥵💦 我開始不確定回台灣是不是安全的選擇 #千本鳥居 #伏見稲荷大社

Bonnie C. Huangさん(@bonnie.huang)がシェアした投稿 –

Fushimi Inari Taisha is the highest central shrine of Inari that is located in Fushimi-Ku in Kyoto, Japan. It has many paths and trails prominent to the mountain. The shrine is at the very base of the mountain that is named after Inari. You can see many smaller shrines along the way which span 4 kilometers. You need to spend more or less 2 hours to reach the top.

Visiting Sake Brewery in Fushimi




伏見の酒蔵に行ってきました🍶 なんか通りを歩いてるだけですっごく日本酒の香りがしました!! 甘酒美味しかったです😳💕 抹茶味の甘酒など売ってました🍵 日本酒の飲み比べとかも楽しそうですね! その後寺田屋に行ってきました。坂本龍馬で有名の!! 歴女的にはもうやばかったです。 カメラOKというのにびっくりしました!!!📷 😍 伏見桃山は日本酒と幕末の歴史が好きな人にオススメです🙆🙆 我喜欢日本酒。 #伏見酒蔵#伏見酒#日本酒#黄桜#月桂樹#寺田屋#坂本龍馬#Sake#伏见酒#京都#kyoto #京都のお酒 #日本#Japan#Japon

meiさん(@meimei_0039)がシェアした投稿 –

Visit many breweries and earn a lot of experiences here, there is an opportunity to enjoy tasting sake at breweries. What about Sake Brewery? Brewed sake or Japanese rice wine in Kochi Prefecture is dry and light so you can feel the smoothness in your throat. You can get many breweries in the prefecture that are specific about the raw materials of sake. They also include rice, water, rice malt, and yeast.

Fushimi Castle




京都が祇園祭で盛り上がる中、閑散とした伏見桃山城に。 #伏見桃山城#伏見城#桃山城#平山城#城郭#天守閣#城#城好き#城巡り#豊臣秀吉#徳川家康#安土桃山時代#京都観光#伏見#ニコン#ニコンd5600#nikon#nikond5600

junji_drago_asaiさん(@junji_drago_asai)がシェアした投稿 –

Fushimi Castle is known as Momoyama Castle (Peach Mountain) and the castle is truly near the famous Fushimi Inari Shrine. It was originally located in many peach trees and the name contains Peach Mountain. The present castle was reconstructed in a changed location and originally it is located in the Imperial grounds of Emperor Meiji’s and Empress Shoken’s graves. This is the exciting things to explore for you when visiting the castle area.

Fujinomori Shrine




昨日は京都へ1人旅。けれども暑くて早々に帰ってきました。 1・2枚目は鶴丸国永と三日月宗近の写しが展示してある藤森神社へ。そして記念のお守りも買いました。 3枚目は清水寺へむかう五条坂にあるぴありというアクセサリーのお店で購入しました。京都にくると大体いくお店です。どれも可愛くて毎回どれを買おうか迷うのです。 #京都#藤森神社#五条坂#ぴあり

Ryoko Okabayashiさん(@ryoko.waaka)がシェアした投稿 –

You can discover a great trip in Fujinomori and the place is popular for its very adventurous horse race that takes place on the 5th of May. A Shinto shrine is located in Fushimi Ward, Kyoto City also can enjoy the refreshing spring water “Fujino Mizu”. If you can select your travel time in May then explore the Fujimori Festival on May 5th and Kakeuma Shinji event as well where horseback riders present their performance. The shrine is visited by many travelers with an interest in horse racing.

Sushi Making Class




We love #temarizushi as you can have a variety of toppings in a smaller portion, and it is the easiest and the cutest sushi that everyone can make 🍣 #手まり寿司 #日本料理 #寿司作り教室

Angel LeeKEさん(@angelleeke)がシェアした投稿 –

Join to learn exciting sushi-making class which are sharing below:
Nigiri Sushi and Temaki Sushi: The menu of this cooking class are many types of fresh ingredients, Japanese soup, SUSHI Recipe, Temakizushi (looks like California roll), Japanese traditional sweets, Japanese tea and souvenir (rolling mat). You can get the facilities of English-speaking instructors and to teach the visitors about the history of Japanese cuisine. The class starts time at 11:15 and 14:30, contains 1.5 hours and a maximum of 10 guests per class.

Temari-sushi (sushi-ball): The menu of this cooking class consists of the Temari-sushi (sushi-ball), traditional Japanese dessert (Mitarashi-Dango), Clear soup (Osuimono), and Green tea. The recipe can be made easily with its ingredients and you can enjoy delicious traditional Japanese food that is colorful and attractive. In the class, you can learn special sauce making as well. So, Don’t miss!