Akiko | Cooking Class Host in Aichi

"Hello! My name is Aki ! I live in the suburb of the third biggest city of Japan which is Nagoya in the Tokai region. I organize and host Japanese cooking classes for foreigners and visitors at my house. Foreigners guests from all over Japan who are visiting or want to visit Japan through sightseeing sites. I was born in Osaka, in 1960 and grew up in Nagoya area. I have been so interested in cooking ever since. When I was a child and even now I dreamed about Takoyaki, having cooked everyday almost for 40 years. Since I was a high school student and made my bento box for myself. I like studying languages for that reason I have studied English in a community college ] in U.S.A - L.A after graduated from high school. At that time, I met my husband there, who used to cook for a local Japanese restaurant and got married. I have been married for over 30 years having gathering countless home cooking recipes. Of course such achievement it have wouldn’t been possible without my husband help who is picky when it comes about food, as well as my mother-in-law who is an excellent cooker. I made up my mind to work at a delicatessen in a big supermarket to practice hygiene management. It was very strictly controlled having gained a great amount of experience to learn on site such things. I always seek opportunities that I could learn as many dishes from all over the world as possible."

Akiko's cooking classes