How to Eat Ramen in Tokyo

How to Eat Ramen in Tokyo

The first thing that will likely come to your mind when you hear Japanese food is sushi; however, there is a dish that’s taking over sushi: ramen. This soup with noodles, meat and vegetables have become one of the dishes a lot of people ask for when they enter a restaurant. In this post, you will learn what ramen is and how to eat it anytime you visit Japan or would like to try it anywhere you are.


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一番いちばん(町田市)、特中華そば。 今回の数日間の町田用事ではどうしても寄りたかったこのお店。夜の部1800開店となっていますが、この日は15分仕込みの都合で遅れるとのこと。1800ちょっと前に到着して5人目でした。1815に開いた時には並び10人ほどでしたでしょうか。 カウンター席に着席すると、厨房が全て見渡せます。ご主人と思われる方と助手の男性お一人のお二人でのオペでした。 麺茹で3杯分ずつ作られていました。また雲呑は麺を茹でている最中に作られるという形。 上がってきた一杯の美しいこと🥰。スープをすすると一発でこの美味さがわかります!麺は平打ち縮れの丁度自分の好みのかたさ。チャーシューも豚、鶏あって飽きないし美味いし😋味玉割るの上手にできなかったんですが、これも美味いし😋小松菜やメンマのアクセント、雲呑のできたての美味さ😍いずれも惚れ惚れしてしまいました。 実は白河系のラーメンは初めてだったと思います。プロフェッショナル仕事の流儀で、とら食堂さん見てからというものの、分店含めて食べたくて仕方がなかったんですが、今まで何故か縁がなかったんですね。ここのお店は純粋なとら系統ではないそうですが、ご主人はとら食堂で修業されたそうですし、基本線はそのままでアレンジ発展させた形なんだと、どなたかがネットで書いておられました。 いゃ〜うまかったなあ😋😍😋、ごちそうさまでした! #ラーメン #らーめん #拉麺 #白河系 #町田 #百名店2018

@ kokakoka_memoがシェアした投稿 –

We recommend you keep in mind all the terms in Japanese because most restaurants use them in their menus and you will avoid having to ask the waiter for the whole menu. – It doesn’t come from Japan. That’s right, ramen was born in China and is believed to have reached the Asian island in the early 1900s, when the Meiji period came to an end and Japan ceased to be isolated from the rest of the world. For example, its etymological origin: the word ramen comes from the Chinese “lamian”, which means pulled noodles. – Rairaiken was the first ramen restaurant to open in 1910 in the Asakusa district; however, the success of this soup comes after World War II, when the food crisis led Momofuku Ando to invent instant noodles. – Noodles are made from wheat flour, salt and alkaline water called kansui. They can be thin, thick, wavy or flat. Thin noodles are called hosomen, thick futomen and regular sized futsuu.


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一番好きなラーメン屋さんで夜ご飯 #にし乃#ラーメン#本郷三丁目

ひめさん(@usagihamstar)がシェアした投稿 –


Typical ramen should have three elements: a broth or dashi, a sauce or tare and an oil to add flavor or koumi-abura. Dashi is the base of the soup and is usually broth made with pork bones (tonkotsu) or chicken bones (torigara), although there is also the one that uses fish flakes (katsuobushi), vegetables or seaweed (konbu) or dehydrated sardines (niboshi). As for sauces or seasonings, you can use soy (shoyu), common salt (shio) or miso, which is nothing more than fermented soybean paste. For oils or koumi abura, you can use lard, garlic oil or chili (raayu). Some of the instant ramen do not include this oil to prevent the product from becoming greasy.

There are four main categories of ramen that are divided according to the soup or broth they use: shoyu, shio, miso and tonkotsu. Ramen shoyu is made with soy sauce and chicken or vegetable broth. As it is the most common, it is also known as chuuka soba or shina soba. It has a transparent coffee. The shio is seasoned with salt and is the lightest flavored ramen. Its color is slightly yellow. Those made with miso are combined with pork broth and added butter or fat from the shoulder. Their color is a combination of orange and opaque coffee.

Finally, the tonkotsu ramen, which, as its name suggests, is made from pork bone broth. Its texture is usually thick and creamy thanks to the large amount of collagen it has.


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No.41 ★★☆ ✔️らぁ麺 すぎ本(鷺ノ宮) 特製らぁ麺 塩 ¥1000 初めて西武新宿線乗った🤭 GWだから混んでるかなと思って開店30分前から並びました😂 前でも後ろでも待ち合わせしてて人がどんどん増えていく…恐怖… 席数限られてるし常識だと思ってたけど、待ち合わせしないでくださいって書いてなかったからokのお店なのかな🤔 ノーマルか特製迷ったけど味玉もワンタンも気になるので特製✌️ フライドオニオンが乗ってるしワンタン大きくて嬉しい スープはインパクトはないけど優しめで美味しい塩 醤油の方が人気みたい 完成度高めで美味しかったけど(GWだからかもしれないけど)待ち合わせする人がたくさんいるの嫌すぎ🐻 #らぁ麺すぎ本 #すぎ本 #鷺ノ宮 #鷺ノ宮ラーメン #ラーメン #ラーメン巡り #ラーメン好きな人と繋がりたい #ラーメン好きと繋がりたい #らーめん女子 #麺スタグラム #ramen #ramennoodles #tsukemen #tukemen #ramenstar02

A◎さん(@ramen_white05)がシェアした投稿 –

There is no full ramen bowl without toppings. These are the final touches that make the soup extraordinary and perfect for your next Instagram post. Although you could actually add whatever you want, these are the most common: Chaashuu or slices of pork. Tamago or hard-boiled egg. This one may have some flavor or be half cooked. Nori, the traditional sushi seaweed. Negi or Moyashi chives or Menma soy germ or Naruto bamboo shoots or slices of fish paste. They are those little flowers with a spiral that you have surely seen in photos. Horenso or spinach. There are ramens that can include wontons (small empanaditas to the steam of Chinese origin) and even those that serve you the noodles and the toppings apart, so that you can chop them in the broth, this ramen is known as tsukemen.


How do you eat it?

For many, eating this Japanese soup can be quite a challenge, as a special spoon is used for the broth while toppings and noodles are eaten with chopsticks. The traditional way to eat ramen is by sipping noodles followed by a spoonful of broth. And as it is considered a fast food, a plate of ramen should not last more than 15 minutes because after that time the noodles will have absorbed too much water thus ruining their texture.


If you wanna try making ramen in Tokyo not just eat, check here!

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