5 Best Ways To Learn Japanese Food Culture in Tokyo

5 Best Ways To Learn Japanese Food Culture in Tokyo

Getting to the roots of the gastronomical ethnicity of the Japanese can be a jackpot to all food lovers who travel only for food. Knowing diverse food will help you to bring in an assorted palette to your own food habits, breaking the monotony at the food table. While in Tokyo, never miss a chance to learn ethnic foods and the history associated with it. Without a doubt, many foods will have a fascinating history enhancing the Japanese food culture in Tokyo. Grab a chance to learn about Japanese food tradition with the following five ways:

Join Cooking Class in Tokyo

Cooking Class
The inflow of tourists in Tokyo has now raised the value of Japanese food across the world. They are not only loving the authentic taste of it but are carrying back home in bits to diversify their local food culture. Joining the cooking class has become a tradition of the tour in today’s date. It is the best way to learn the authentic ways of preparing Japanese delicacies. Through cooking classes, the tourists can know local people from a very close range and experience their lifestyles as well. Some of the top cooking classes in Tokyo managed by AirKitchen company include Asakusa Classic Ramen & Crispy Gyoza, Tasty home-style Japanese fusion food, Washoku: Cook traditional Japanese Kaiseki with Wagyu beef, etc.

Shin-Yokohama Ramen Museum




* 2連続ラーメン投稿‼︎😱 横浜の実家に帰ってくると、ついつい行ってしまう新横浜ラーメン博物館🍜 (街並みの写真は前回行った時のです😊) このタイムスリップしたような昭和の街並みも、ミニラーメンで日本全国の美味しいラーメン屋さんをハシゴできるのも楽しくて、行ってしまうんです! 汁が飛んでもいいように、ユニクロTシャツ買って着替えて行く本気っぷりでしたが、今日は混んでて一軒で退散😵 大本命龍上海が45分待ちで諦めたので、買って帰りました🍜ほんっっっとに美味しい❣️ うっかり昼も夜もラーメン食べちゃったけど、そんな日もたまにはアリかな🐷 私も仕事で関東遠征中です😬ひと仕事して帰ります🎤 #新横浜ラーメン博物館 #ラー博 #龍上海 #昼夜ラーメン

枡田絵理奈さん(@masuda_erina.official)がシェアした投稿 –

Rather than a museum, this place is more of a food court depicting the 1958 Tokyo. For the food lover, this museum is a paradise of ramen noodles with a plethora of authentic varieties to choose. This one-stop noodle destination houses some of the famous ramen restaurant branches starting from Kyushu to Hokkaido. If a foodie goes gaga over this place, it is not an exaggeration at all.

Bar Hopping Tour



GUIDE EXPERIENCE Vol.6 Guests from Netherlands and Canada!!! That was very first time visiting Japan and one of guests had Birthday on the tour day!!!! Hope the tour became one of great memories of Japan Trip. #barhoppingtour #bar #izakaya #shinjuku #ebisu #ebisuyokocho #ebisuolive #shinjukuisuzu #magicaltrip #from #netherlands #canada #firsttimejapan #バーホッピング #englishguide #mondaynight #wonderfulguests

Yu Noguchi (翔 慎之介)さん(@yuu10021)がシェアした投稿 –

The bar-hopping tour can be a great way to explore the happening nightlife of the city. It is best if you get in touch with the local tour guides instead of hopping on your own. They can sketch out a well-designed itinerary for you to hop bars. Moreover, they are a perfect choice to discover more hidden gems of the city than the information shared on the Internet. Bar hopping culture is getting popular among the tourists today, as the urge to know a foreign country from a close perspective is at its peak. Some hunters of the gems ruling the nights in Tokyo are The Tokyo Pub Crawl, Magical Trip Tokyo Guided Tours, and more.

Sake Brewery




. . 一昨日から義両親が 愛媛から来てくれてる🍀 . 今日からパパ👨3連休とゆーことで 1日目は酒蔵🍶行ってきた✨ お義父さんときき酒しました✌️ . 歩輝さん👦はずーっと欲しかった 玩具を買ってもらい大興奮😂 お義父さんお義母さん ありがとうございます🙏 . 今日の夜は うちのおとん交えて しゅんぺい🍣いってきます👋 . #酒蔵 #福寿 #きき酒 #飲み比べ #テイスティング #日本酒 #義両親 #少しは義両親孝行出来てるんかな? #義両親大好き #良い思い出 #良い休日 #家族写真 #家族の思い出 #家族の時間

ᴍᴀɴᴀᴍɪさん(@xmxk.ixmx)がシェアした投稿 –

Sake is locally produced traditional rice beer, which you must try while in Tokyo. This local delicacy was initially produced in a domestic environment to quench the thirst and celebrate with friends and family in the Japanese tradition. As people from around the world are now taking interest in understanding and embracing the Japanese culture in bits and portions, local people have taken a step forward to commercially produce Sake. Tokyo houses a number of Sake Brewery producing it in an orthodox method and keeping intact the taste and tradition of the drink.

Tsukiji Guided Tour




Il più grande mercato in Giappone 🐟🐟Tsukiji Tour con gli studenti🐟 教室の皆さんと築地散策ツアー^_^プチ小旅行気分😊😊 晴れ女のみなさんのおかげで心配してたお天気もなんとかもってくれました〜 学生時代の先輩のお店、諏訪商店さん、昆布の寿屋さん、卵屋さんとお決まりのコースをへて、本日はアナゴ専門店吉野吉弥さんでお昼。😃おいしかった〜❤️カフェに入ったら、隣にイタリア人シチリアから遊びに来たご夫婦。聞けば先日訪れたタオルミーナから来たそう😊 みなさんと楽しい時間、ありがうございました😊❤️ #築地 #築地ツアー #横浜と成城のイタリア料理とパンの教室ラクッチーナサッチ #藤野幸子 #諏訪商店 #寿屋 #tsukijifishmarket

Sachiko _Fujinoさん(@sachiko_fujino)がシェアした投稿 –

Tsukiji guided tour is all about assisting a small group of tourists to know the in and out of the local markets, sushi-making techniques, and every possible knowledge about the local food. These tours are specifically designed for food enthusiasts who love investing time more on exploring the vibrant food habits of a community rather than indulging in the scenic beauty of the place. All can give a try to this tour, as it gives a promise of never getting you bored while exploring!

Learning about Japanese food culture in Tokyo is made easy with the above-mentioned ways. You might get lucky and end up discovering a new Tokyo that no one has known before. So, grab the chance to be a pioneer.

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